Saturday, October 26, 2024

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Data On Netflix Original Programming Reveals Everyone Is Watching ‘Daredevil,’ Not Tuning Into ‘Bloodline’

DaredevilPerhaps even more closely guarded than the plot details of a Christopher Nolan movie, Netflix has long been known for withholding any data regarding the streaming numbers of any programming on their service, particularly their own original content. But Luth Research has cracked the code and shared the data with Variety, and it reveals some interesting information.

Taking a look at how many subscribers tuned into an episode of a new Netflix show within the first 30 days of launch, the numbers reveal that Marvel‘s "Daredevil" drew in a pretty significant 10.7% of viewers catching at least one episode in its first eleven days. Now factor that against thirty day figures like 7.3% for the new comedy "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," 6.7% for the third season of "House Of Cards," and perhaps most disappointing of all, only 2.4% for "Bloodline." (Seriously people, you should be watching this show). But, as always, the numbers don’t tell the whole story.

Overall, the three seasons of "House Of Cards" is still the most watched Netflix show, and it was the most binged in March. Additionally, these numbers don’t account for anyone streaming Netflix onto a television. Moreover, the company has long said that since they have no advertising, they aren’t dictated by the traditional rules of television. They can draw upon different sets of data to determine demographic numbers, when and how people are watching certain programming and more. So, even something seemingly "low-rated" like "Bloodline" has been renewed for a second season, but we’re sure Netflix is more than happy to see their Marvel deal is paying off in a big way, and of course "Daredevil" will be back as well.

READ MORE: Watch: 5 1/2 Minute Single Take ‘Daredevil’ Hallway Fight Scene Plus Video Essay Comparison To ‘Oldboy’

It’s an interesting window into the world of Netflix nonetheless, and it’ll be interesting to see how the company’s bolder steps into features will compare. What are you watching? What programming are you looking forward to? What do you think they should do next? Check out the infographic and let us know below. 

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  1. For me BLOODLINE was the longest PILOT (13 HOURS LONG) I have ever seen in my life… of a very good and promising series. I really mean that because the cast and the story was very good. I am sure in the 2 season they will fix lots of problems as for example the content of each episode without making it so repetitive just for the fact they have to make 13 episodes. I am really looking forward for the 2 season. I love NETFLIX by the way. It has made my weekends when they release their series.

  2. I too believe Bloodline will be a long runner as long as they can come up with an equally good script to season 1. Its gonna be a hard act to follow but follow it I sincerely hope they can and do !! On a plus side, thank heavens for the new season of OITNB to keep me going for a little while in between GOT I can at least keep feeding my addictions for a while ��

  3. You have got to be kidding. Bloodline is just Outstanding. Not even a close call here. The acting is brilliant, and the story line is fantastic. And all reviews have been very positive. Emmy\’s are coming for several cast member.

  4. Bloodline\’s marketing was off for me. It has the tone and feel of a WB-era Aaron Spelling soap, in the vein of Savannah. It stopped me from clicking.

  5. I didn\’t even make it past the first episode of Daredevil, but I finished Bloodline in a few days AND turned other people onto it. Sad to see more people aren\’t tuning in to Bloodline, it has fantastic acting, writing, and cinematography. Interested to see where season 2 goes!

  6. haha Lulu, I didn\’t say you had to suffer through the 5 eps on matter what. I just am tired of people negatively commenting on shows that they have only seen the 1st few eps of. IMO, the 1st 5 episodes allow one to see the show through it\’s awkward stages and get more of a glimpse towards how it is going to be for the duration. There have been many shows that I have not enjoyed that I just stopped watching. I just try not to trash them on articles like this one and potentially dissuade someone from seeing, what might well be, a very enjoyable series.

    Faulkner, I am glad you will give it another shot! it really does get awesome the longer it goes on. I enjoy Spartacus as well and didn\’t know it was the same show runner. In retrospect, I would say that his style shines through in unexpectedly delightful ways throughout DD.

  7. Daredevil picks up in the 4th episode when Vincent d\’onofrio(sp) shows up as kingpin after he shows up its gets a hell of a lot more interesting. I still have to watch bloodline

  8. i hear ya, Shenanigan. maybe i should continue watching. i don\’t binge-watch so it takes me a while to watch serial tv and there are already a handful of shows i\’m watching. i dug Spartacus, the showrunner\’s previous work, so maybe i really should hold on on judging DD.

  9. okay, guess I\’ll give Bloodline another go, struggled through the first two episodes and couldn\’t bear anymore, found it unoriginal and dull. Maybe I\’m too accustomed to envelope pushing when it comes to the small screen, but in comparison to the trail blazers BL felt lacking in thrills or edge. Will try one more, though 5 hours of a show you\’re not feeling is asking too much.

  10. I do see your point, Faulkner, in that the 1st few eps of a series can still be compelling from the get-go. However, I also see a major distinction btw Daredevil and shows, such as Mad Men or House of Cards, in that DD was pretty much required to lay down a solid foundation of the DD mythos before it could start getting into the main story arc. House of Cards and Mad Men, on the other hand, were not bound by such constraints. If one is going to watch any tv series dealing with comics or books, one must allow the show runners time to lay, potentially, decades of foundation before proceeding on a new arc. It has been the same case with other comic series as well, such as Smallville, Arrow, and many others. Thus, my viewpoint on watching at least the 1st five eps. I haven\’t watched GOT yet, but that might be suffering from the same issue as well.

  11. I have to say that, like many good tv-type serials, "Daredevil" requires more than 2-3 episodes to know more about all of the characters (especially the actor who plays Daredevil) and their relationships, which plays a major role in how/why viewers care about them. Some characters, played by outstanding actors, haven\’t come close to making their appearance on the show, yet. Also, DD is darker and grittier than most any mainstream network version of a Marvel subject, which is very appealing, IMO. As for "Bloodline", I thoroughly enjoyed the series, despite what some critics wrote. I\’m glad that I didn\’t allow those critics to influence me to the point of not watching. And, just like DD, the more episodes I watched, the more I enjoyed the show. Each character was far more complex than they appeared to be early in the show. The most enjoyable thing, for me, was how unpredictable the storyline became as it progressed. Some of the flash forwards made me think I had figured out where the story was headed, only to be pleasantly surprised at how wrong I was. I can\’t wait for the next season of both of these shows!

  12. Shananigan, your point is valid that some series do take several episodes, especially ones with the problems DD had at the onset w/ a departing showrunner. however, it\’s kind of the same issue i have with this season of GoT, that of being bored by the characters. i blame lack of compelling screenwriting. i was hooked on the first episode of such great series like Deadwood, Bloodline, The Americans, and Mad Men, because even if the overall arc of the story needed several episodes to get into, the opening episodes were intriguing from the get go.

  13. I do see your point, Faulkner, in that the 1st few eps of a series can still be compelling from the get-go. However, I also see a major distinction btw Daredevil and shows, such as Mad Men or House of Cards, in that DD was pretty much required to lay down a solid foundation of the DD mythos before it could start getting into the main story arc. House of Cards and Mad Men, on the other hand, were not bound by such constraints. If one is going to watch any tv series dealing with comics or books, one must allow the show runners time to lay, potentially, decades of foundation before proceeding on a new arc. It has been the same case with other comic series as well, such as Smallville, Arrow, and many others. Thus, my viewpoint on watching at least the 1st five eps. I haven\’t watched GOT yet, but that might be suffering from the same issue as well.

  14. I have to say that, like many good tv-type serials, "Daredevil" requires more than 2-3 episodes to know more about all of the characters (especially the actor who plays Daredevil) and their relationships, which plays a major role in how/why viewers care about them. Some characters, played by outstanding actors, haven\’t come close to making their appearance on the show, yet. Also, DD is darker and grittier than most any mainstream network version of a Marvel subject, which is very appealing, IMO. As for "Bloodline", I thoroughly enjoyed the series, despite what some critics wrote. I\’m glad that I didn\’t allow those critics to influence me to the point of not watching. And, just like DD, the more episodes I watched, the more I enjoyed the show. Each character was far more complex than they appeared to be early in the show. The most enjoyable thing, for me, was how unpredictable the storyline became as it progressed. Some of the flash forwards made me think I had figured out where the story was headed, only to be pleasantly surprised at how wrong I was. I can\’t wait for the next season of both of these shows!

  15. People should have a golden rule of watching at least the 1st 5 episodes of a show before commenting on it… most shows take that long to find their footing in getting their storyline established. People jumping the gun in condemning a series on the 1st few episodes is why series get cancelled after one season all the time. Similarly, Daredevil does take some time to get the storyline and everone\’s background established. One thing I\’ve really enjoyed about Daredevil is that no characters are really black and white and the further along the series gets, the more that you aren\’t really sure whose side you want to be on. It\’s been a fun ride even though I still have 3 eps left. I can see why it is getting such high streaming numbers on Netflix. And I shall have to check out Bloodline based on y\’all\’s recommendations, it sounds like a treat as well.

  16. while i wouldn\’t call Bloodline a masterpiece, it is leagues beyond Daredevil in acting, directing, cinematography, and screenwriting. DD is flashy comic book stuff and, quite honestly, from the three episodes i\’ve seen, a chore to get through. but superheroes are all the rage these days and character drama/tragedies aren\’t.


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