Is Kiwi actor Karl Urban proving to be an unreliable narrator? The "Dredd" actor recently spilled the spoiler beans about Benedict Cumberbatch's villain role in "Star Trek 2," causing quite the stir for those following the much-anticipated sequel. But did he?
"I'm really not at liberty to discuss anything about Star Trek," was all the actor would allow when he was asked about the flap by Coming Soon. "All I can say is that I did that interview after a 22-hour flight from New Zealand. I literally hopped off the plane into the interview." So was Urban on another marathon flight this weekend? In an interview at Comic-Con, the Bones/DeForest Kelley-reincarnate evidently spilled more secrets about the J.J. Abrams-directed sequel which wasn't planned to appear in San Diego. "I can promise you that before the end of Comic-Con, some exclusive Star Trek footage, it's going to come out. You're going to find it. It's going to come out," he said. The actor also teased a "secret" video from "Star Trek 2" on YouTube which would be revealed soon. Fans, who had been saddened by the absence of "Star Trek 2" at Comic-Con, were elated.
But, according to the film’s screenwriter, Damon Lindelof, all of this is bunk. "Karl is off the reservation," he said to MTV reporter Eric Ditzian in an interview related on Twitter, adding that any debut of footage was "news to me." So, who are you more inclined to believe? If Urban is right, it wouldn’t be the first time an actor has unduly opened his mouth (ditto if he’s wrong). And Lindelof is no stranger to maintaining the secrecy of J.J. Abrams’ black box, so he could just be trying to keep the secret, or is he out of the loop? Or it might just be that no footage from "Star Trek 2" will debut during the convention. Your take on all this? More as the story develops.
I can't get past any mention of Damon Lindelof without remembering what a total "Go watch NCIS Los Angeles" dipshit he is.
I don't think Urban ever explicitly said it was footage from the movie. He just said it was something Star Trek. It could be the Kre-o stop motion Trek short, starring their new Trek figurines, that's supposed to be coming out very soon. Maybe he did a voice for it.
The headline is incorrect; Lindelof didn't say it was bogus, he said it was "news to him."
There are two possibilities: Urban is making shit up that will piss off J.J. and all the people who pay him money at an event where he was a center of attention anyway; or it's all part of a P.R. campaign. Which really seems more likely?