Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Contest: Win A Copy Of The 20th Anniversary Release Of ‘Jerry Maguire’ On Blu-ray

As many filmmakers will tell you, it’s hard to tell if a movie works until an audience sees it, but as Cameron Crowe recently reflected about “Jerry Maguire,” he knew he had something special when lives were literally changed during a screening.

“…one of the first times we showed it was a friends and family screening that [producer] Jim [L. Brooks] had put together. Lawrence Kasdan was there, and Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Jim invited Shirley MacLaine. So I was a little terrified, watching the movie. When it was over, the lights came up, and there was a guy and his girlfriend in the row in front of me, near Katzenberg. This guy stood up and proposed to his girlfriend,” the director told Deadline. “It must have seemed like some publicity stunt, but it was real and it was one of the first times we felt like the love story might reach people.”

READ MORE: The 20 Greatest Musical Moments In The Films Of Cameron Crowe

Reach people the movie certainly did, with the Tom Cruise– and Renée Zellweger-starring film becoming a contemporary romantic classic, box-office hit, and multiple Oscar nominee (including Best Picture), winning Best Supporting Actor for Cuba Gooding Jr. And if somehow you’ve let this movie pass you by, we’ve got some copies of the film’s 20th anniversary Blu-ray release to give some lucky readers.

To win, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, tweet: “I want to win Jerry Maguire from @ThePlaylist. #WinThePlaylistContest,” and include this link. Your final step: just email us your tweet, with your full name and address, and tells us the name of your favorite Cameron Crowe movie. Good luck!

The 20th anniversary edition of “Jerry Maguire” is now in stores.

Update: Contest closed, winners will be contacted via email.

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