Since this humble little blog emerged into existence, we’ve been reporting in fits and starts on the tortured development of “Preacher,” only to see it continually change hands. The Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon comic has been through sixteen years of ever changing development, as the project has gone from being a movie, to a TV series, and back and forth, while no shortage of names both in front and behind the camera tried to get it going including Sam Mendes, Darren Aronofsky, Joe Carnahan, D.J. Caruso, Chris Pine, Shia LaBeouf and Alex Pettyfer. But now, it’s actually happening for real with an unlikely duo taking it on.
First rumored last fall, and now confirmed, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg will be writing and executive producing “Preacher” for AMC. The material doesn’t immediately seem like an obvious fit for the duo, with the story following a possessed Texas preacher who teams up with a vampire on a quest to find God and hold him accountable for his negligence, but Ennis believes they have the insight the project needs. “I’m particularly impressed that Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and [producer/showrunner] Sam Catlin understand ‘Preacher’ fully — meaning they get it for what it is, not some vague approximation,” he said in statement.
As for Rogen and Goldberg, it’s simply the end of a long road. “We’ve tried for seven years to work on Preacher and we’re so psyched AMC is finally letting us,” they said. “It is our favorite comic of all time, and we’re going to do everything we can to do it right. Humperdoo!”
No word yet on when AMC is aiming to have this on the air, but let us know who you want to star below. [Deadline]
There is no way to do the book faithfully on AMC. Cursing, nudity, attempted suicide, incest, and a hillbilly who has sex with animals. That's off the top of my head, having not read it recently. As much as I would love to see the Saint of Killers murder the devil and bust out of hell in HD, I don't want to see it if it's watered down and on a basic-cable budget.
Yaaayyyy…..said all the potheads…..