It seemed almost too good to be true. After being on the brink with NBC since it pretty much began, the network finally delivered the blow to the cult loved "Community," cancelling the show earlier this year, denying fans the six-seasons-and-a-movie prophecy. But then salvation seemed to be around the corner when streaming site Hulu toyed with the idea of re-upping the show for a sixth season, but alas, it seems Dan Harmon‘s creation is really and truly on its last legs barring some kind of miracle.
TV Line reports that talks with Hulu broke down, and the company is no longer interested in picking up the show. But there is still a faint hope that something could happen. On June 30th, the deals for the cast to reprise their roles will expire, and apparently Sony Pictures Television is going to spend the next week trying all available avenues to keep "Community" alive. Why? We can only surmise they want to get another season or two out of the show so they can make "Community" an attractive syndication package and then ride those royalties for years. Or they just really, really care about the show.
It’ll be interesting to see who — if anyone — tries to make a last hour deal with Sony to nab the rights to the "Community." But there is an audience and with the right marketing it could undoubtedly grow, so we’ll see if a solution is found before next Tuesday.
it already has enough for syndication so kudos to sony for trying
i hope the show go on i very like funny as ass HAHA! wish dan harmon good luck with show getting again on the telivision.