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Colin Farrell Puts On Badge For ‘True Detective’ Season 2, Taylor Kitsch In Contention For Role

Colin Farrell, True Detective“The two scripts we have … I hate to jinx it … they are more exciting than the first season,” HBO programming president Michael Lombardo bold said at the Television Critics Association press tour in Beverly Hills yesterday about the second season of "True Detective." (via EW) But the question on everybody’s mind is: who is going to take over from the fantastic performances by Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson? Well, we might have our answer.

The Wrap is reporting that Colin Farrell is in talks for one of the lead roles on the next season of "True Detective," with Taylor Kitsch in the mix for one of the other characters, with Garrett Hedlund also apparently rumored. In case you missed the news yesterday, series writer Nic Pizzolatto stated that his scope of the story, set in California (though not necessarily dealing with the transportation industry anymore), had expanded to "four central roles." And frankly, it’s a great opportunity for Farrell, who is a really good talent, stuck lately in much lesser films (seriously, go outside his Hollywood efforts and check out his indie fare for his true skills). And HBO seems to suggest there could be more big names coming. As for Kitsch, with the right guiding hand, he can be very compelling as well.

“The people we will cast will be well-known names, but [casting stars] wasn’t our ambition,” Lombardo said. “Great writing attracts great actors…"

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  1. Horrible choices. Neither Farrell or Kitsch are great actors, and neither of them are interesting or funny or relevant. I have a feeling this second season is gonna crash and burn pretty fast.

  2. I'd be interested in seeing Taylor kitsch in one of the lead roles in season two. He was fantastic in the HBO original movie The Normal Heart. I really underestimated his acting ability before I saw him in that. Colin Farrell is an interesting choice too. I never was a Matthew McConaughey fan, (I haven't gotten a chance to see Dallas Buyer's Club yet), but I was blown away by his performance as Rust Cole. I liked Farrell in In Bruges and I think he got a chance to demonstrate some of his acting range in that movie, but admittedly I can't say I've seen a lot of his films. It'd be interesting to see him in a lead role in True Detective.

  3. I'm disappointed in this casting choice. Colin Farrell hasn't turned in a riveting performance in any film I've seen him in . In Brugges was good, but not great, and the other two men mentioned I've never even heard of. What a let down from Woody and Matthew. I doubt I'll be tuning in this season. McConaughey's performance was exceptional. Harrelson's acting was never better, and the interaction between the two actors was what made True Detective truly worth watching. This rag tag group of has beens and unknowns just doesn't make me want to watch. I can't imagine there weren't better known and more talented actors out there who could have been cast.

  4. Would love to see Hedlund. He's done great work since Tron in Llewyn Davis, Country Strong, Death Sentence, Friday Night Lights, Four Brothers, the list goes on. A show like this could really get the exposure to help him take off. Kitsch isn't bad and neither is Farrell but I'd like to see someone who hasn't had their shot. Hedlund hasn't had the chance to headline big movies like the others. Would be cool to see him headline or co-head this show.

  5. I'm not sure the first season can be topped, but Taylor and Colin can play
    Pissed off very well, and the writing is so good I think everybody will be surprised.
    In a good way. I look forward to season 2.
    I'm actually watching E1 and E2 right now 🙂

  6. Central to the magic of season 1 was the decision to give the entire season to a single director. Dumping this element would be like leaving the beef out of your beef stew.

    So before casting the second season, perhaps they should line up that visionary director who will ultimately be responsible for making it work, rather than shackling him or her to actors thought expeditious by HBO.

  7. Colin Farrell and Taylor Kitsch are both brilliant with good material. I would love to see what they can do with Nic Pizzolato's stunning narrative and dialogue. Sign them up and get to work so they can blow us away on Sunday nights and put some of this mean-spirited internet chatter to rest. I'm glad people are demanding good roles for women, but I'm willing to cut Nic Pizzolato some slack on his women because he's genius with men on a level rarely seen. It's an uphill climb but we women need to be diligent, unrelenting, and write great roles for women ourselves.

  8. There is no one more perfect. I was nervous for the second season–how could the first be topped? With Colin, however, the show has a shot at going to the level it needs, and deserves, to be at for this upcoming season. Verdict: I approve. (His potential casting is not only deliciously unexpected, but very exciting– if he kills it, it's gonna be a second TD season worth watching)

  9. Did they just go through the "most boring actors in Hollywood" file? When do the rumors about Skeet Ulrich start? Hoping these rumors are just as fake as the Jessica Chastain ones. (Yes, I know McConaughey's career wasn't the best for a while, but he was never that dull and he'd been working on better stuff and doing great work for a while before TD).

  10. My anxiety is that an opening season with Harrelson & McConaughey set the bar too high, they produced as well, though poss that was more financial than creative. Also has anyone defended the representation of women in season one? The season felt to me very much a psychological study of the two men with women depicted through the filter of two very screwed up male perspectives. Don't see an issue with shows exploring male perspectives, as long as we start seeing more shows exploring female points of view.

  11. If "great writing attracts great actors," the headline would be about Joaquin Phoenix joining the second season, not Colin Farrell.

    Every actor looking to hit the reset button on their career will be lining up, begging for a piece of the second season. Hearing of the potential participation of actors at the level of Farrell (whether you think him talented or not) is to be expected. We will know the script is looking great when they land an actor who doesn't need a credibility boost.

  12. I don't understand the grumbling about Farrell being cast. He has great range (I'll admit when he first arrived he wore out his welcome with all the terrible tent-pole movies, but in the last 8 or so years he's really knocked it out of the park.) MM got his comeback and I think Farrell deserves a chance to showcase what he's capable of. As far as Kitsch goes, with a tight script and a good co-star, he might be just fine. I trust in the writing and the directing.

  13. Wow. Kitsch and Farrell are awful. Talentless pretty boys….was in Winter's Tale or Total Recall that conviced HBO? Maybe Alexander? Alexander: Ultimate Cut? Daredevil?

  14. Oh man. I love this. I hope it's real. Farrell is one of the best and one of the most generally miscast actors working today. He would absolutely kill in something like this. I can't wait.

  15. What happened to getting female leads this season?

    Either way, I like the idea of Kitsch playing detective, but I'm not so thrilled about Farrell. Never understood that guy's appeal.


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