The endless back and forth of super-hero casting speculation continues. Marvel studios has a release date strategy for “Dr. Strange." They have a script and a director, Scott Derrickson, in place. But they don’t have a leading man yet, though they reportedly came close with Joaquin Phoenix before talks broke down.
Now another new actor has emerged as a possible contender: Colin Farrell, who’s moving back up in the world after scoring a key role on the second season of “True Detective.” But apparently Phoenix is still in the conversation, as is Benedict Cumberbatch, who has mentioned for the role months ago.
Other actors in contention? Keanu Reeves is apparently a legit player (beyond recent rumors) and Jared Leto, Justin Theroux, and Oscar Isaac all apparently want the part. Tom Hardy was mentioned early on, but apparently Fox is now eyeing him to play the titular villain of their "X-Men: Apocalypse." Ryan Gosling’s name has been connected to the role as well—or at least Marvel has been courting him—and Ewan McGregor’s also been linked, but it’s believed that Cumberbatch, Phoenix, Farrell, and Reeves are four the frontrunners at this point. "Dr. Strange" is currently pegged for July 8, 2016. As you were. [The Wrap]
what happened to this website, its new layout is unreadable mess
lulz yepz
It would be hilarious if they cast someone who isn\’t on that list.
"The endless back and forth of super-hero casting speculation continues. " LOL only because you speculate on every rumour! It\’s not even reporting, it\’s reading someone else\’s tweet and rewriting it up as your own news. But with a disdainful twist. Because you guys are better than hourly updates on superhero casting (even though that\’s all you do)
lulz yepz