“The [“Inception” audition] didn’t work out but I definitely made the final round. I bumped into Leo [DiCaprio] over that weekend and we had a really good talk about it. I’d love to work with Leo – at some point we will, I’ve known him a long time. I do know quite a bit about [the secretive “Inception” storyline] because of Leo but the screenplay is hush-hush. Even for me taking a meeting I had very little to work on. As an actor, the challenge lies within figuring it out and putting the puzzle together to create something to bite on. — Clifton Collins Jr., who rules, btw, was up for a part in Christopher Nolan’s “Inception.” What’s more is he’s buddies with Leonardo DiCaprio and knows many of the film’s juicy secrets. Dude is probably going to get kidnapped by a member of the geek-o-sphere soon. [Digital Spy]
Actor who auditioned for film knows details about film. News at 11.
I'm beginning to like Alex.