Christopher Plummer is currently the internet’s new hero, stepping in to replace Kevin Spacey in Ridley Scott‘s “All The Money In The World.” The memes have already started, with Plummer being Photoshopped in place of Kevin Spacey in countless movie stills, but as far as the 87-year-old actor is concerned, ‘Money’ is an opportunity to bite into a juicy part, and work with a legendary director.
“It’s really not replacing him [Spacey]—it’s starting all over again. Although the situation is very sad,” Plummer told Vanity Fair. “I’m very saddened by what happened to Kevin, but what can I do? I’ve got a role. I admire Ridley Scott and I’m thrilled to be making a movie for him. And so I thought, that was it. Ages ago I was in contention for [the role], way back. So I was familiar with it, and then Ridley came to me and I agreed. I wanted to work with him. He’s very good. I loved the script. The script is wonderful.”
Indeed, Plummer was actually Scott’s original choice for the role, but the producers wanted a bigger name. Well, Scott is getting the actor he wanted all along, even if it’s coming with a hefty price tag attached to get the movie done in time. As for Plummer’s thoughts on Spacey’s fall following the torrent of sexual harassment and assault allegations, he’s as taken aback as everyone else.
“I think it’s very sad what happened to him. Kevin is such a talented and a terrifically gifted actor, and it’s so sad. It’s such a shame,” Plummer said.
“All The Money In The World” opens on December 22nd.
Maybe he said more, but “it’s a shame what happened to him” doesn’t exactly sound like he’s taken aback. It sounds like he has sympathy for Spacey, which he in no way should.
It’s obviously a sad thing that we’ve lost Kevin Spacey to something so dishonorable, it’s worse than death and if you love movies, his absence will be noted in a painful way. It’s sad that his back catalogue can’t be revisited. It’s sad for the people who will be triggered by his appearance after these revelations. It’s sad to never see Spacey performance worth seeing again. Don’t twist people’s words to suit your political agenda or find a way to paint others coldly. Stop shaming people for producing sound bytes, you sound like an asshole.
Yeah, kick Plummer off of the movie! He’s part of the problem!