Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Christian Bale, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck & Bradley Cooper On Sony’s Wish List For Danny Boyle’s Steve Jobs Biopic

Christian Bale, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck,  Bradley Cooper"I am a bit drained. I’m now going to take a long, long break. I’ve done three films in two years and I’m just worn out," Leonardo DiCaprio said at the beginning of 2013 after the triple bill of "Django Unchained," "The Wolf Of Wall Street" and "The Great Gatsby." And while he did indeed take a breather, he’s going back in front of cameras this fall for Alejandro González Iñárritu’s "The Revenant." However, after that, THR reports DiCaprio will indeed take his talked about long break from acting and won’t take that rumored role in Danny Boyle‘s Steve Jobs biopic. So, who will?

According to the trade, Sony‘s wish list for the part includes Christian Bale, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Bradley Cooper. These are the kind of high profile names a studio would want for any project, but perhaps this indicates they’re not going to green light this tech drama without an A-list face to put on the poster. The thing is, these are all very busy dudes.

Affleck is still shooting "Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice," after which he’s expected to star in "The Accountant" before filming "Live By Night" next summer. Damon has "The Martian" lensing this fall, and another ‘Bourne‘ movie on the horizon, and Universal will do anything they can to make sure he does it sooner rather than later. Cooper and Bale both seemingly have a bit more open calendars, but they often have their pick of projects too. And it should be noted, Bale was David Fincher‘s choice for the part, before he fell out of negotiations to direct the movie earlier this year.

Thoughts? Which actor do you want to tell you about the iPod, from the Aaron Sorkin-penned script? Let us know below.

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  1. Christian Bale seems like the logical choice. Not only does he resemble Steve Jobs more than the other contenders, but according to IMDB he has no movies that are currently \’filming\’ and only one movie that\’s in \’pre-production\’ (an animated movie). So Bale has both an available schedule, the resemblance not to much the fact he\’s a tremendous actor.

  2. DiCaprio actually took a long break already. The Wolf of Wall Street filmed from late 2012 through early 2013 after which Leo hasn\’t done anything until now with The Revenant. This will be his second long break in a relatively short amount of time.

  3. Damon\’s also squeezing in Manchester-by-the-Sea this fall. I actually like the idea of Kutcher, but unfortunately (and unfairly) the project would be viewed as less prestigious if he were cast.


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