Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Charlie Hunnam & Model Cara Delevingne Latest Rumored Names For ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’


It’s a been a little while since we’ve had any news surrounding the “mommy porn” adaptation, “Fifty Shades Of Grey.” While the brewing movie gained a director this summer in Sam Taylor-Johnson, casting continues to elude fans, with only rumor and speculation kicking around at the moment. We’ve seen a number of names tossed around thus far for the leads of Christian and Anastasia—Felicity Jones, Emma Watson, Stephen Amell, Elizabeth Olsen, Alex Pettyfer, Shailene Woodley, Alicia Vikander—but it’s basically been a mix of wishful thinking. But now you can tell your Mom to start considering a couple of other folks.

Apparently, producers for the movie are doing some heavy breathing for Charlie Hunnam to take the role of Christian Grey. He’s reportedly a “prime target” and he was seen recently saving the world with his buff bod in “Pacific Rim,” and there’s probably a hilarious sexual pun to be made out of all of this, so we’ll let you make those jokes below. Meanwhile, another rumor is kicking around that model Cara Delevingne has auditioned for the movie, though not in the lead role of Anastasia Steele. We haven’t read the book… There are other characters? We thought it was just a couple hundred pages of sexin’.

Anyway, debate and complain below. Still no release date or word on when this will roll into production, but it seems everyone is taking their time to make sure it’s done right. [Twitch/Digital Spy]

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  1. Whoever in the hell thinks that charlie hunnam is hot is either blind or has no brain, taste or hell screw that, any of the above……….he doesnt even come close to being worthy of christian wow what a muck up on the part of casting directors and they can go on saying we should get over it coz of there stupid so called reasons for not casting our favourites just remeber guys without support your stupid little porno would result to nothing……oh wait never mind you already did that by casting the most rediculous fool for what was supposed to be a god anyway i guess the stupid will always be among us……obviously you dont enjoy orgasms coz last time i checked thats not what you get when you look at hunnam.

  2. Amazing isn't it how many people deny having read the 50 Shades series but still feel they are experts on them? I read all 3 of them, liked them and didn't see any more erotica in them than most other books. Don't care who says differently, Charlie Hunnam would make a great Christian Grey!! So there!!

  3. This is all really starting to annoy me. Just pick a Christian already!! How is this movie supposesd to open next summer if they have yet to even cast it? And if they do in fact have someone chosen, why all the secrecy?? I personally think Matt Bomer or Henry Cavill fits the character description to a Tee, but I'd put money on that it won't be Henry (too bad though, because I would love to see him naked…). Come on now producers!

  4. OMG I never looked at Charlie for that character. The part he would make believable based on the power and in control aspect which he has in SOA. Hair colour would have to change and his walk would have to change. As for the role of Ana they need to go new and fresh or Emma Watson

  5. LOL! This has got to be a joke. CG is subscribed as a stunningly beautifull Man, with the most mesmerizing, piercing sparkling eyes. This Guy fit nothing of that description.

  6. Would LOVE Charlie in this movie! I normally don't read books like this but have to say I really enjoyed them. There will always be bashers but being that I'm a HUGE SOA fan & one of Charlie in particular, I would go see this a few times if he was in it & would buy it too.

  7. What cave have you been inhabiting, 'Unbankable'????? Millions upon millions (upon millions upon millions…) of readers in America have bought all 3 of the novels in this series. Do a little research…

  8. Charlie has played many roles. He can clean up his rough around the edges look. clean cut and in a suit… yeah I can see it. And he will be the deciding factor on weather or not to take on this roll. There are many actors who could take on this roll .. not sure who would fit it.because there are so many. As far as Ana … there's a long list in my head who could play her… lets all just hope who ever gets these rolls are sweet pieces of eye candy and can play the part…

  9. As hot as Charlie is, he has too much sarcasm in his acting to portray Christian as he was described in the books, same with Ian Somerhalder (although his costar Nina could be the perfect Ana). The only actor for Christian is Henry Cavill – he has the looks, the acting skills, the hot body, and he can pull off the inner torture (just check out his work in the Tudors).

    I think Paul Walker would be a great Ethan, Christian's older cocky brother, and Blake Lively could definitely play Kate. Again, Nina Dobrev could be Ana, but I think Ellen Page could be a good choice as well, but for some reason I always pictured Olivia Wilde when I read the books. Minka Kelly is hot too, she could totally pull off Ana. Although Ana is supposed to be only 22-ish, she's an "old soul" so to speak and very mature for her age, therefore Hollywood could cast someone older to play her.

    Now – who would play Mrs. Elena Lincoln?? Charlize Theron is certainly a great choice, but I think the producers need to be cautious that the scenes are not stolen away from Ana and Christian. She should be intimidating and gorgeous, but not steal the show. Charlize would steal the show. Sharon Stone is too old, unfortunately, because she would be great at it, same with Kim Catrall. Uma Therman could probably do it. I like Diane Lane as Christian's mom, but she played Superman's mom when Henry played him, so that could be a bit too deja vu. Some have also suggested Cate Blanchett as Elena, but I like her better as Christian's mom as well – a well respected doctor with a warm heart, protective of Christian and welcoming of Ana at the same time. Heidi Klum or Gisele Bunchen, although they are models and not actors, they could pull off Elena without stealing the show.

    Clearly I've thought too much about this, but those are my 2 cents. Enjoy!

  10. Most of the people I have heard talking about this movie have Ian Somerhalder on their fevered brains for Christian. Have the producers considered him?

  11. Yes, yes, yes. Charlie Hunnam should be cast as Christian Grey. He is sexy as all get up and what ive seen of him in sex scenes he has that down pat. I hope he gets the lead role.

  12. Stephen Amell would be perfect for Christain Grey – he's exactly what I pictured!!
    Either Elizabeth Olsen or Alicia Vikander would be perfect for Annastasia!!! Super excited for this movie to come out!!

  13. Okay, so I'm pretty sure he is booked, he's shooting Sons until Nov/Dec, then he jumps into John Hillcoat's Triple Nine and then into GDT's Crimson Peak in February, then back into Sons final season, so I don't think they'd be able to get him unless they pushed the film 12 months. Plus this is the guy who passed on Thor, you really think he would take this?!

  14. After watching The Butler, I think that Alex Pettyfer is perfect as Christian Grey. He exuded that unemotional straight to the point cruelty that is Christian. I hope Charlie does not take this role. This role should go to an actor who is relatively unknown so that if it bombs it will not tarnish his career.

  15. If Charlie takes this role, I will lose all respect for him and stop watching Sons. The hype over the books and movie is disgusting. The one book I made myself finish reading was horrible, I absolutely could not force myself to read the others. The so called leading man was a controlling jerk and she was a complete twit. The author of this rubbish should be reviled not adored.

  16. I have been saying this from the beginning, he could always die his hair dark copper red. And I know he has the attitude, Ive seen it on Sons, maybe they should just have his onscreen girlfriend Maggie Siff play Anastasia, they already have awesome chemistry.

  17. Charlie Hunnam is an AMAZING actor. Before Pacific Rim, before SOA; There was Nicholas Nickelby. He was wonderful in that movie. He is truly gifted and more than able to transform from one role to the next. No matter what his role, I have no doubt about his acting skills. I would more than welcome his adaptation of Christian Grey. I look forward to all his career has to offer us fans!

  18. I LOVE charlie! I probably wouldnt bother watching the movie if he wasnt in it. And for everyone saying he should stick to motorcycles…yes he does look sexy as hell on one, but he's played many different roles and you'd be amazed to see how versatile he is!

  19. with as much as i LOVE Charlie, and would LOVE to see him in some of those scenes (with NO Clothes On), he is not the Christian Grey that I picture in my head.
    Now for Cara, she's way too tall.
    Anastasia needs to be 5'5" or shorter, and Christian Grey needs to be 5'8" and taller.
    However, I would LOVE to see Taylor Kitsch as Taylor.
    Let me know what you think of my somewhat choices (listed under the photos).
    FB page: ChrisHemsworthasChristianGrey

  20. i don't know why that chick is a model,oh yeah you don't have to be pretty anymore just thin.not her.he is ok. just pick stop talking about it.this is being milked,glad sylvia day has her stuff in order,can't wait for lionsgate to make crossfire series……come on gideon cross! 😉

  21. I think Charlie would fit the bill perfectly. That is if he has the time. lol! He is hot and can be conservative and demanding and dirty! if anyone gets it i think that he should be the one!! i just hope that Kristen Stuart isn't going to be Anastasia…. i would hate to see her have the pleasure of getting to make out with such a divine man!!!

  22. In my opinion Charlie is ideal for christian grey even tho he is rugged. Noone thought heath ledger could pull of the joker but he killed it give charlie a chance. For anastasia im pullin for emma watson hands down

  23. Charlie would be my second if Alex Pettyfer doesn't get picked….Alex would make an excellent Christian Grey…also pulling for Emma Watson as Anastasia.

  24. At first thought I was thinking no not Charlie for this…. but then I started imagining some of the scenes and I'm thinking Crack that whip Charlie!!! No shirt with his hair falling forward over his face a bit…. Oh yeah!!!

  25. I heart Charlie but his features are to rough to play the finely manicured Christian. Can't picture him in a suit. Paul Walker on the other hand…..

  26. Although I am a tremendous Charlie fan, he isn't right for the role. Doesn't portray Christian well. Alexander Skarsgard would be perfect. I know he was considered, but I don't know where that has all landed…

  27. Charlie is quite possibly the sexiest man on Earth however, he is so not meant for this role. When I think of him I don't think sleek multimillion filler business owner with a red room of pain fetish. I think sexy motorcycles and tattoos. He mos definitely needs to stay where he belongs. On a Harley with his shirt off.

  28. Charlie is quite possibly the sexiest man on Earth however, he is so not meant for this role. When I think of him I don't think sleek multimillion filler business owner with a red room of pain fetish. I think sexy motorcycles and tattoos. He mos definitely needs to stay where he belongs. On a Harley with his shirt off.

  29. I seriously hope that Charlie, Doesn't get picked for this role. I love Charlie Hunnam, but I DON'T love him for this role. This is not something that I could see Charlie playing, Even though he is SEXY as hell and has an amazing body! I just don't think this movie says Charlie Hunnam. I seriously think that if he took this role, People would loose all interest in him and his show Son's of which he would ruin his career and loose out on some better movie deals in the future.

  30. I seriously hope that Charlie, Doesn't get picked for this role. I love Charlie Hunnam, but I DON'T love him for this role. This is not something that I could see Charlie playing, Even though he is SEXY as hell and has an amazing body! I just don't think this movie says Charlie Hunnam. I seriously think that if he took this role, People would loose all interest in him and his show Son's of which he would ruin his career and loose out on some better movie deals in the future.

  31. I seriously hope that Charlie, Doesn't get picked for this role. I love Charlie Hunnam, but I DON'T love him for this role. This is not something that I could see Charlie playing, Even though he is SEXY as hell and has an amazing body! I just don't think this movie says Charlie Hunnam. I seriously think that if he took this role, People would loose all interest in him and his show Son's of which he would ruin his career and loose out on some better movie deals in the future.

  32. Did anyone actually read the article before posting a comment?? Cara will NOT be playing Anastasia. She would be a support actress. Probably Anastasia's BFF.

  33. charlie hunnam for christian grey i'm game he's already the bad boy i want to see but that model is not the look i see when i picture annastasia come on people

  34. I'm still ticked that Van Sant didnt get the reigns behind this. He seemed sort of like the logical choice in that he could handle all aspects of the masturbatory source material.

  35. Rumors as they've all been thus far! Charlie Hunnam doesn't fit the character at all, and neither does Cara. She is the opposite of Anastasia in every way, and doesn't even fit the characters Kate or Mia and they're both curvy and Kate is bombshell gorgeous.


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