With a TV series, toys, comics and video games already developed out of media mogul Ted Turner‘s brainchild, Captain Planet, the do-gooder environmentalist superhero is finally getting the big screen treatment. So for the millions who have been waiting in agony for a Captain Planet movie, today is your eco-friendly Christmas.
“Transformers: Dark of the Moon” and “Real Steel” producers Don Murphy and Susan Montford have inked a contract with Cartoon Network to develop a live action movie that will spawn a franchise of films. And that’s about the extent of the news for now. Given their CVs thus far, we don’t suppose there will be anything subtle about the forthcoming vehicle, but then again with a name like Captain Planet, we don’t suppose the political bent is much of a secret. For those of you too young to remember (or if you’re like us and you just never bothered), the mythology is pretty much a direct ripoff of “Green Lantern” which involves the Earth spirit Gaia sending five rings around the world that give their bearers extraordinary powers over the Earth’s four elements and a fifth one, uh, Heart, and when combined, summons our hero Captain Planet. He’s kind of like Superman in strength, seemingly invulnerable, though pollution weakens him which means that if you’re a bad guy, all you need to do is set up shop near a factory or in downtown Los Angeles, and you should be fine.
Honestly, this hero was kind of a super dork to begin with and it will need one helluva adaptation not to make this feel strident, ridiculous or both. All the enviro-speak of “Avatar” was eye-rolling enough, we can’t imagine what that would be like when it’s the driving force of the protagonist of a super hero movie. Nothing against the environment or green living, but a superhero franchise based around that? No thanks, we’ll pass. No directors, writers or actors mentioned yet but the producers might want to check PETA’s list of veggie friendly celebs. [Deadline]
power of heart