Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Got a Tip?

‘Buried’ Trailer & Clips Show Audiences Exactly What They Have to Fear

Those who couldn’t handle the single (rather long) scene where Uma Thurman’s Bride was buried alive in “Kill Bill: Volume 2” had best navigate their way back to cuteoverload.com and away from these claustrophobia-inducing videos. We’ve reported before on Rodrigo Cortes’ indie thriller starring Ryan Reynolds and…a cell phone, but “Buried” is about to make its debut at Sundance. The film stars Reynolds as a civilian contractor who is buried alive in a coffin in Iraq and then held for ransom. Apparently all 80 minutes of the film are set in the coffin (that can’t be possible, can it?) with Reynolds’s character who just has a cell phone, a knife, and his wits to get him out of the worst situation imaginable. We suppose he could’ve been left without the cell phone and the knife, but that’s just cruel.
We’re excited to see Reynolds do something different since this is a pretty serious diversion from his usual work in studio pictures like “Wolverine,” “The Proposal,” and the upcoming comic-book adaptation “Green Lantern.” Sadly, the setting will probably not allow the ripped actor to reveal his famed physique (that Scarlett Johansson is a lucky woman), but that might be for the best. The camera will be on his face for the whole film, and he’ll be forced to abandon any attempts at looking cute and actually act. We included the film on our list of escapist films for 2010, and we’re definitely intrigued by the potential of this project, as well as Reynolds.

The MTV Movies Blog scored a few clips from the film, including the trailer, which we’ve embedded below. In addition to new wrinkles in the film’s plot, the second clip gives audiences a clue about the director’s swooping, swirling camera choices. As if the claustrophobia weren’t enough, Cortes had to add nausea to the mix, giving us flashbacks to the sickening but effective cinematography of “Irreversible.”

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  1. I wish they hadnt used Iraq / terrorist bad guys thing and instead set it in small town america. It would've made it a lot more terrifying if the bad guy was just a random psycho, maybe their trying to stray away from the whole "saw" vibe.

    Reynolds was good in The Nines, Chaos Theory and Definetly Maybe, not so much in his more recent work.

  2. That coffin doesn't seem small to me. More closeup shots of Ryan would put in the space.

    Also, Ryan does not seem like the "everyday guy caught in an extraordinary situation" to me. He looks like the guy you want to bail you out. Questionable casting.

  3. How is he getting cell phone reception, in a coffin, underground, in Iraq?

    Why didn't the hostage takers film the video *before* they put him underground?

    Why didn't they take the knife from him?

    Why isn't this movie on our dumbest projects list?


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