There are documentaries like Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 11/9,” which attempt to show people the evil that is infecting the current White House regime through the use of real stories from unknown Americans who are struggling. And then you have a documentary like “The Brink,” which aims to show what’s going on in the current political climate, through the words and actions of one of the far-right’s biggest leaders, Steve Bannon.
As seen in the new trailer for “The Brink,” former Trump advisor Steve Bannon is front and center, as the film goes behind the curtain to show you just what the brash far-right figurehead is truly like. It appears that the film, which premiered at Sundance, doesn’t necessarily take a stand one way or another on Bannon, but instead, uses his own documented words and actions to show just what the man is really like.
“The Brink” is directed by Alison Klayman, and will hit select theaters on March 29.
Here’s the synopsis:
When Steve Bannon left his position as White House chief strategist less than a week after the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in August 2017, he was already a notorious figure in Trump’s inner circle, and for bringing a far-right ideology into the highest echelons of American politics. Unconstrained by an official post — though some say he still has a direct line to the White House — he became free to peddle influence as a perceived kingmaker, turning his controversial brand of nationalism into a global movement. THE BRINK follows Bannon through the 2018 mid-term elections in the United States, shedding light on his efforts to mobilize and unify far-right parties in order to win seats in the May 2019 European Parliamentary elections. To maintain his power and influence, the former Goldman Sachs banker and media investor reinvents himself — as he has many times before — this time as the self-appointed leader of a global populist movement. Keen manipulator of the press and gifted self-promoter, Bannon continues to draw headlines and protests wherever he goes, feeding the powerful myth on which his survival relies.