It all comes to an end in 2013. The second half of the fifth and final season of "Breaking Bad" will air this summer, putting an end to the meth-fueled adventures of Walt and Jesse, played by Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul in career-defining performances. And creator, writer and executive producer Vince Gilligan promises the ending won't be one you'll want to miss, and it's likely to have everyone talking.
“It’s going to be polarizing no matter how you slice it,” Gilligan told Vulture, “but you don’t want 10 percent to say it was great and 90 percent to say it sucked ass. You want those numbers to be reversed.” Of course, we won't know what exactly is going to happen until the episode airs, but according to Gilligan, he's aiming for a kind of bittersweet finale, not unlike one that was stamped on one of the greatest classic movies of all time — "Casablanca."
“No one gets everything they wanted. The guy doesn’t get the girl, but he has the satisfaction of knowing she wants him. And he doesn’t get her because he has to save the free world. What better ending is there than that?” Gilligan said about the "pretty perfect" finale of the film. “I’m not saying we’re going to approach that or reach in that direction. Our story doesn’t line up [with 'Casablanca']. But we’re looking for that kind of satisfaction.”
But the elephant in the room is whether or not Walt will truly get away with it, or finally pay for all the breaking bad that he's done. And *spoiler* Gilligan is pretty clear on this point. “Not at all, really,” he said. “I’m very cornball in my own view of the world. It just makes sense to me that bad people should get punished and good people should be rewarded. I know it doesn’t work like that in real life, but there’s always that yearning.”
How do you want to see it end? Let us know below. "Breaking Bad" returns later this year.
I'd like to see Walter get away with it, but even if he does there will be some sadness for him. I think the best possible ending would be a Godfather 2 type ending where Walter is completely at the top of his throne, but totally isolated with his all forms of his family (including Jesse) wanting nothing to do with him.
They got this
Regardless of what end of the stick Walt gets, please let Flynn have his breakfast. He must have his breakfast!
Regardless of what end of the stick Walt gets, please let Flynn have his breakfast. He must have his breakfast!
Regardless of what end of the stick Walt gets, please let Flynn have his breakfast. He must have his breakfast!
Vince– just don't end it like Chase ended "Sopranos": polarizing, yes; entertaining, no. And don't end it like "Lost", whose final season was so disjointed and out of character is seemed like an abstraction of it's former glory. End it like "The Shield"– a red-meat finale that tied up every loose end danging behind its seven season run, an ending so satisfying I still think about it today.
I have a friend who has a pretty excellent idea of how the series might end. Contrary to the idea that Walt might end up dying of cancer or otherwise, he instead survives to the very end of the series, but at the end of the entire enterprise, everyone he cares about is dead, except for maybe Jesse. This would explain his 52nd birthday at the diner at the opening of season 5 and the fact that he's protecting someone. I can't say for sure its perfect, but the idea of Walt being responsible for the deaths of everyone around him and truly bringing him to his lowest point of existence would be a pretty fitting end to the series.
Here's looking at you, Pinkman.