Friday, March 14, 2025

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Benicio Del Toro Joins Oliver Stone’s ‘Savages’

Aaron Johnson & Taylor Kitsch Look Set To Star

It’s kind of funny how things work sometimes. Last month when Jennifer Lawrence first entered talks to star in Oliver Stone‘s “Savages,” a handful of other names were mentioned for roles at the time including Benicio Del Toro. In subsequent reports — including the announcement of Lawrence’s departure due to “The Hunger Games” — his name again seemed to be absent, but lo and behold he’s the one left standing.

Deadline reports the Benicio Del Toro has signed on Oliver’s Stone’s thriller “Savages.” Based on Don Winslow‘s book, the story follows two pot growers—Ben and Chon—who square off against a Mexican drug cartel when their shared girlfriend O is kidnapped and held for ransom. Del Toro will play an enforcer for the cartel. Sweet.

Additionally, it appears the roles of Ben and Chon are locked. An offer was floated to Aaron Johnson with Taylor Kitsch also recently linked to play opposite him. Deadline reveals that the duo are now set to star, with Johnson as Ben and Kitsch as Chon. Meanwhile, Olivia Wilde is one actress of a handful vying for O, while Salma Hayek is being eyed for the part of the matriarch of the cartel.

We’ll pretty much watch anything with Del Toro in it, but the material seems like some great pulpy fare and it looks like Stone is assembling a pretty killer cast. Production on “Savages” is aiming to start in June.

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  1. It\’s pretty much the most unimaginative casting in the history of mankind. an ape could come up with these casting choices (if he was able to read the book). nerdy looking johnson plays the nerd, tough looking kitsch plays the killer, and so on and so on. it\’s all just so… obvious. this is just heading the exact same way as \”u-turn\” 15 years ago. i don\’t mind stone. he\’s just does not seem to be the right guy to do a pulpy thriller. he will stress the extreme violence and lose the tongue in cheek humor and, yes, fun of the book (which was an excellent read, like elmore leonard for generation add). and it\’ll turn out like that other winslow adaptation, \”death and life of bobby z\”, all macho posturing and no fun. not a bad film, just too grim and bent on the pure adrenaline rush.

  2. I am not sure which book Paul read, but I thought the Savages was a fantastic book. I am hoping the film lives up to my expectations. They are lining up a stellar cast. Especially if Hayek joins up.

  3. Could be Stone\’s best film in years if he just makes it a lean & mean, pulpy thriller. The novel was pretty awful but as a 100-110 minute feature could be a really tight non-nonsense thriller.


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