Sunday, October 6, 2024

Got a Tip?

Barry Levinson To Direct Oklahoma City Bombing Movie ‘O.K.C.’

You gotta give up it up for Barry Levinson. While the track record has been mixed, it’s certainly been interesting, as the famed director has mixed it up quite a bit with his last few films, moving from comedy in “Man Of The Year” to pointed satire in “What Just Happened,” tossing in a documentary with the political flick “Poliwood” and last year, his true story pic “You Don’t Know Jack” scored a staggering fifteen Emmy nominations, with Al Pacino pocketing a win. Not too bad. Now the director is set to shift gears again, for another true life tale on a much grander scale.

Deadline reports that Levinson will tackle “O.K.C.” a film about the devastating home grown terror attack in 1995. The screenplay by first timer Clay Wold will center on his own brother who acted as a file clerk on the defense team for bomber Timothy McVeigh, and pushed hard to expose a larger truth about the events. We hope to hell this isn’t some wacky conspiracy theory film.

The project is on a fast track with Wold expected to turn in another draft of the screenplay next week, and we’d wager if it all looks good, this could mount later this year. For whatever reason, American audiences seem to love seeing their national tragedies up on the big screen — for better or (and more often than not) for worse — so we’ll just have to see how this pans out.

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  1. Krigens brutalitat kom ganske raskt på lerrettet etter den 2. Verdenskrigen, for så å bli fulgt opp av filmer om de nære enkelthistoriene. Begge kategoriene hadde helter, skurker og kvinner.

    Ingen enkeltforbrytelse har noen gang blitt filmet mer en folkemordet på jødene…..

    Oklahoma City tragedien er nå klar for å festes på spillefilm…

    Terroråtaket på Regjeringen og mot ungdommene på Utøya vil en dag ende opp i meget spekatulære filmer. En eller flere av de vil nok når tiden kommer bli tidenes filmsuksess målt i antall seere.

    Dokumentarene om tragedien vil nok dukke opp allerede om et år eller to… og det vil bli mange med inngang fra mange vinkler.

    Flykrasj med flere hundre drepte er noen av de mest populære filmene som blir laget.

    Det er kanskje mer riktig å si at tragedier som spillefilmer, er godt stoff som publikumsfavoritter, uten å nevne enkelthisorier i denne sammenheng.

    Filmene vil komme, men av respekt for de døde og tragediens natur, vil de ikke komme før om en 10 -15 år, kanskje lenger.

  2. Paul Greengrass?!?!?! Are you kidding me? This isn\’t the Bourne series trying to glorify domestic terrorism. Greengrass = amazing, However I think there may be a reason your directing career may not be flourishing, as you\’d hoped, It seems you lac k tact and maturity as a prospective filmmaker in dealing with real-life tragedy. Would you like to imagine a movie of the murder of your mother? father? with special effects? Keep \”poppin\’ them bottles\” and kill a few more brain cells while you\’re at it. Do us all a favor and find another occupation, like full-time douche-baggery!

  3. I read the be-all end-all book on Timothy McVeigh (incredible), and there\’s no way this story can be done justice without the Paul Greengrass treatment – direct and observational. Barry Levinson is a pretty flimsy director for this. Goddammit I need to speed up my directing career…


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