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‘Attack The Block’ Helmer Joe Cornish Is Paramount’s Choice To Direct ‘Star Trek 3’

Star Trek Joe Cornish

For many, the goodwill from J.J. Abrams‘ mostly-very-good “Star Trek” reboot dissipated quickly with this summer’s sequel, “Star Trek Into Darkness.” What had been a shining example of how to give a franchise a fresh lick of paint became a film that had its moments, but failed to live up to expectations, with a lousy third act, excessive destruction and a waste of a potentially good villain. But it seems like Paramount have found a way to get us, at least, excited about a potential third installment.

When he took the “Star Wars” job a year ago, J.J. Abrams soon confirmed that he wouldn’t be returning to direct a third ‘Star Trek’ movie, which Paramount has been keen to move forward with sooner rather than later. Names like Rupert Wyatt and Jon M. Chu have been mentioned as potential directors, but according to Deadline, the frontrunner appears to be someone who Latino Review actually mentioned as being on a shortlist a little while ago: Joe Cornish, helmer of the excellent “Attack the Block.”

In the three years since that film landed, Cornish has flirted with projects—comic-book adaptation Rust, which he’s since departed, and a version of Neal Stephenson‘s Snow Crash—without any moving forward, although he’s been kept busy with scripting work, alongside pal Edgar Wright, on “The Adventures Of Tintin” and 2015’s Marvel movie “Ant Man.” And while his name was linked to high-profile sequels like The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and A Good Day To Die Hard,” Cornish was initially reluctant to take on that kind of project, telling us back in 2012 that he turned down the ‘Die Hard’ movie because “Ultimately I think it would have been too big a step to take. Some directors do it. That guy Rupert Wyatt made a very low budget movie called “The Escapist,” and then he took on “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” and did an amazing job. But he’s a braver man than me.”

But Cornish may be feeling more confident: while Deadline stress that it’s early days, Cornish certainly seems to be very much in the running for the ‘Star Trek’ job, which in itself would likely give him the kudos to get something like “Snow Crash” greenlit. And of course, it probably helps that old friend Simon Pegg is in the cast. With Paramount eying a summer 2014 start date (making this another addition to the 2015 clusterfuck), we’ll likely hear some firm news on this. Let’s just hope that Cornish gets to take a pass at the Kurtzman and Orci script this time around, so that it might make even a tiny lick of sense. Also, we dearly hope Cornish finds a place for this song, by his comedy partner Adam Buxton:

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  1. Really, the people who didn't like the movies for some reason need to stop putting words into everybody's mouth. I know it's not perfect, I know it's very different, this Abrams world, and Abrams himself has given us every reason to hate him, but gods, the movies are amazing! They're creating a new generation all about the Star Trek fans, showing them what Starfleet and the characters and the technology are about! As soon as you stop comparing it, which is in the end a useless thing to do, you appreciate it for what it is, and it's a damn good story! The performances are great, the effects are awesome, and you learn about the importance of life and diversity of species across the universe working together! Please stop saying all fans are disappointed or hate it just because you hate it, I love both of Abrams movies and I have enough brains to separate them from his insufferable declarations sometimes, and I like him well enough when he's leading a great group of young actors to make more movies like these and not saying he's not doing it for the fans or some shit like that. New director, wow, surprising. Wow. I hope we can keep up the great work and take the franchise in a great path! Now I'm gonna go watch my Into Darkness DVD again, bye bye.

  2. I didn't like Star Trek Into Darkness. I don't blame actors or directors. I blame the writers and how far the Star Trek series has drifted from its original inception. I loved Joe Cronish's Attack The Block, and I'm not sure why there is so much anger towards this decision. I'm just happy to see the guy is getting bigger gigs.

  3. "For many, the goodwill from J.J. Abrams' mostly-very-good "Star Trek" reboot dissipated quickly with this summer's sequel, "Star Trek Into Darkness.""

    Who? For all the talk of how no one liked Into Darkness there's very little evidence to support that general audiences nor critics were hugely disappointed. Just look at the film's score on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB. Fanboys were just about the only ones who claimed that it sucked, and I see no reason to take vocal (and quite frankly petty) minorities as representatives of a film's overall reception.

  4. I see all the flaws in the film and I still loved Star Trek Into Darkness. I really did. One thing I did not understand is how Benedict Cumberbatch had to eat 4,000 calories a day to play John Harrison/Khan but Chris Pine looked like he drank a pint of Guinness each morning.

  5. Why isn't JJ Abrams going to direct? Ooooohhhhh, I remember…. The Star Trek/Star Wars thing. Sorry, but I'm picky about my beloved sci-fi franchises touching each other.

  6. "Attack the Block" was an appalling film, totally unwatchable, it would have shamed "The Childrens Film Foundation" in 1968 ! ! !.

  7. No. Most of the JJ cast (and certainly the lousy writers Orci, Lindelof, Kurtzman) must go. Dean Parisot (who did the hilarious Galaxy Quest) is the obvious choice – he's arguably already done the best Trek movie. Cornish they could get cheap, that is all.

  8. This could be good as long as he gets some input on the script side. He's at his best when he's writing something as well.
    Also, forget the song, be sure to have a quick, small cameo of Adam in the movie.


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