After working on the acclaimed but short-lived Jim Carrey-starring “Kidding,” Michel Gondry is getting back on the director’s chair for an adaptation of “As She Climbed Across the Table.”
The Hollywood Reporter has the scoop, with news that Gondry has come aboard to direct the adaptation of the Jonathan Lethem novel for Amazon Studios and Chernin Entertainment. Joe Penhall, who created “Mindhunter” for Netflix, will write the script, with Chernin producing, and Raffi Adlan executive producing.
The sci-fi romantic novel revolves around a love triangle between a man, a woman… and a black hole. Step aside, “Jumbo,” what’s a romance with a Tilt-A-Whirl next to falling in love with a literal void in space? The novel follows Alice, a particle physicist that just created a black hole she and her colleagues call Lack. They soon discover that Lack has taste, it absorbs light bulbs for refuses bow ties. To Alice, this translates into an irresistible personality, but to Philip, Alice’s ex-boyfriend, the black hole becomes a rival lover, and the start of a quest to win Alice back.
If you read that and thought it sounded just like a Michel Gondry project, is because it definitely sounds like something “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.” The last time we heard about a possible adaptation of “As She Climbed Across the Table” was in 2010, when David Cronenberg was attached to direct the project, but things seem to have changed (seemingly for the better).
READ MORE: Michel Gondry Has Spent The Last Two Years Working On An Animated Film For His Daughter
As for Gondry, it’s been a few years since his last feature film, “Microbe & Gasoline,” so it’s exciting to see him return to the big screen after a few projects on the small screen.