Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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Anthony & Joe Russo Say “Misleading” Titles For ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Movies Will Be Changed

Marvel tries (and often fails) to keep a tightly controlled lid on their developing movies, but leaks tend to abound, and sometimes it’s worth just keeping ahead of the noise. And so, with “Captain America: Civil War” directors Anthony and Joe Russo doing the last press rounds before their movie makes a kajillion dollars this weekend when it opens at the North American box office, they’ve got one little tidbit of news for MCU fans. “Avengers: Infinity War” is no more. Well, not quite. But you’ll soon be calling them something else.

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“The intention is we will change it, we just haven’t come up with the titles yet. But, yes, we will change it. And, yes, that is a scoop: we will retitle them,” Joe Russo told Uproxx.

Anthony Russo adds that, as they’re named now, the titles are “misleading” because the two movies will be distinct pictures, not necessarily two halves of the same thing. That’s certainly a bit of good news to hear, especially since recent two-part blockbusters (hello, “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay“) have underwhelmed and diminished their impact by stretching the narrative. So this does give one hope that Marvel and the Russos have two self-contained, yet connected, stories to tell.

The release dates — May 4, 2018 and May 3, 2019 — remain the same for two ‘Avengers’ movies. Let us know if you’ve got any suggestions for names in the comments section.

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  1. These guys just GET IT, with everything. Winter Soldier was the Captain America movie I’d been waiting for my whole life. The thought of Cap strictly in the modern world had always seemed awesome to me for a movie, and it couldn’t have been better. I haven’t seen Civil War yet, but it seems like it’s gonna be good, and it’s a Cap movie I never even dreamed wed ever be getting, I’d never even fathomed it. (I only own and have read 2 Cap comics, I grew up with the 1990 movie and sorry out there but I loved it when I was a kid, it had its cheesiness but even as a 5 or 6 year old I understood it was direct to video and knew that sub par movies were released that way, I always thought it was good but I never knew they were planning on releasing it to theatres at one point when I was a kid I just thought it was made to be a direct to video movie and I thought it was one of the best ones. ) sorry for the rant, but either way to me at this point the Russos are a dream come true for Captain America, and am so happy they are doing the Avengers for the forseable future. Avengers 1 was a masterpiece but I don’t think it was quite as much due to Whedon himself as some might say. The script was absolutely amazing. The director just had to go with the flow, I know he wrote it, but I’m pretty sure he wrote a second or Third draft nor the original script. I could be wrong. Either way, I hated Age of Ultron, like sincerely, it should be one of the biggest letdowns ever but already having the Russos in the wings softened the blow a bit. I’m not sure but I think they announced them b4 or right after the movie was released as if Joss knew it was a piece of shit and knew Winter Soldier was a masterpiece that some say met or even exceeded his first Avengers film ,(not sure I agree with that but Its definitely close) so he just quit and let them give it to the russos who were already working on a better movie than his. Either way I’m glad it’s all come together, and I never liked the part one and two shit either, if anything they’re 3 and 4 right? The point is its more appealing to us fans to just keep moving forward with your series and don’t try to hide how many movies there have been or should be if your movies are good just assume you CAN make them forever if you keep the quality up. Audiences would love to see a movie with a tittle like Star Trek VIV or M:I17, it’s cool to the video store generation.


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