Well, it looks like the gang's all here. Rumors ran rampant that Bryan Singer's "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" would be bringing back a number of the series' more well-known characters, with Hugh Jackman confirmed to appear alongside Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan. But Bryan Singer has confirmed via Twitter that, not only are they looking to bring back as many cast members as possible from the original trilogy, but that Brett Ratner's lambasted "X-Men: The Last Stand" is definitely canon.
"Very excited to welcome #annapaquin, @ellenpage & @shawnrashmore to #XMen #DaysOfFuturePast – thank you, @BrettRatner for letting them live!" he tweeted. Anna Paquin and Shawn Ashmore are veterans of the series, having played lovers Rogue and Iceman through the first three movies. And while many don't remember this, before earning an Oscar nomination for "Juno," Ellen Page played fan favorite Kitty Pryde in Ratner's third entry, participating in a heavily underwritten love triangle with the aforementioned two mutants.
While 'Days Of Future Past' is considered a direct sequel to "X-Men: First Class," there's the possibility it will also serve as an immediate follow-up to 'The Last Stand,' which left the X-Men roster with Wolverine (Jackman, obviously), Kitty, Beast (Kelsey Grammer), Storm (Halle Berry), Iceman and Colossus (Daniel Cudmore). Certainly, the time jumping narrative from the comics could make it possible, and Singer has already talked about "connectivity" between the movies. Could there be more X-Men rejoining the crew? Will Paquin, Ashmore and Page only appear in cameo form or will their roles be more substantial?
Whatever the case, this film is about to get crowded, with the assumption that the focus will remain on Michael Fassbender's Magneto, James McAvoy's Professor X, Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique and all the other young 'First Class' characters you'll pretend to remember. "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" will be released on July 18, 2014.
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I don't remember Last Stand getting "lambasted." Not as critically acclaimed as the first 2, but not critically drummed, either. Plus, I'm pretty sure it made more money than Singer's films.