From trailer #1:
“State your name for the record.”
“Jyn Erso.”
“Forgery of Imperial documents. Possession of stolen property. Aggravated assault.”
The movie: None of this dialogue is spoken. Jyn is going under a pseudonym, Jeana Halic, and is called out by General Draven (Alistair Petrie), who is clearly skeptical of working with her in any way. The shot above isn’t in the film either.
From trailer #1: “On your own from the age of 15. Reckless, aggressive, undisciplined,” Mon Mothma scolds Jyn as an introduction. Jyn replies tartly with, “This is a rebellion isn’t it? I rebel.” None of this is in the final movie, including the part where Mothma quietly smiles at her remark and rebellious attitude.
From trailer #1: Draven to Jyn: “Is that clear?” She responds with sarcasm and bitter spite, “Yes, sir.” The subsequent alarm sounds that give this trailer urgency aren’t in the film either. In subsequent TV spots, Draven says, “Can you be trusted without your shackles?” Cassian uncuffs her and she says, “Lets get this over with, shall we?” None of this friction is the final movie.
From trailer #1: An imposing Krennic. This shot isn’t in the film.
From trailer #1: Saw Gerrera in his lair meeting Jyn without hair. See on the first page. Doesn’t happen.
The Death Troopers torching the Erso farm on the planet Lah’mu? We do not see this in the final movie. In fact, it’s pretty clear from their rifles that they have flamethrower abilities, but we never once see this in the film. Perhaps they’re tearing the farm apart in hopes of catching a young Jyn in a deleted scene? Whatever the case, we never see this destruction of the farm.
From trailer #1: Captured rebel pilots on Jedha? We never witness even one flier. In fact, since it’s a moon that’s occupied Imperial territory that’s overrun with insurgents, there’s a good bet this isn’t a deleted scene so much as something that doesn’t work in the reshot movie.
From the trailer #1: There’s been plenty of talk about these two shots not being in the movie. They’re actually in the movie, though: This is the tunnel to the data station, the one that K2SO destroys the lock of so Stromtroopers can’t get in. It’s just shot from the reverse angle and you only see it briefly. Here’s that reverse angle.
That’s everything from trailer #1, and here it is to watch again for comparison.
Trailer #2: Has many different little bits.
However, the “They’re requesting a call sign,” “It’s “Rogue… Rogue One,” line is delivered much differently with Bodhi much more tentative (compare it here). It’s minor, of course, and all films have dozens of different takes used in their marketing material.
From trailer #2: Not in the film.
From trailer #2: There’s a big tonal difference in the scene when the Rebels are on their do-or-die mission to Scarif. “Take hold of this moment!” Chirrut Îmwe (Donnie Yen) says passionately to rouse the rest of the soldiers. It’s a line that’s never delivered in the film. In the trailer, the rogue teams seem much more confident and ready to kick ass (there are even some smiles). In the movie, they are much more solemn. Even Jyn’s speech only raises their spirits so much. One clip (the supercut at the end of this story) has Jyn saying, “Welcome to Rogue One,” which isn’t in the movie either.
From the trailer #2: “You’re rebels, aren’t you?” Jyn say with some disdain. It’s a variation on “This is a rebellion, isn’t it?” but it’s delivered much more defiantly.
From trailer #2: It’s easy to think this “Save the dream!” shot isn’t in the movie. The scene is intact, but it’s shot in an entirely different manner and certainly not from this angle.
That’s it from trailer #2, and here it is for comparison and reference.
Trailer #3: Again, not much different from the final film.
From the “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ‘Breathe'” TV Spot
Not in the movie.
Various Scenes from Various Trailers:Unquestionably the most iconic moment in all the trailers — Jyn facing a Tie-fighter as she goes to align the antenna in one of the crucial scenes — is not in the movie. However, given the sequence is actually in the final movie, sans Tie-Fighter, it’s somewhat easy to speculate the ship was added in as a composite to spice up the drama in the trailer and used for nothing more (she doesn’t even react to its appearance). You can see the moment in question at the end of the trailer below.
It’s tiny, but this shot suggests Jyn is yelling at Cassian and K2SO to “hurry!” and get them the hell out of the soon-to-explode Jedha. It’s not in the movie.
The finished movie has no shot of Jyn flying a U-wing. There’s a clip where she says to Cassian, “Good” and he responds with the same words and a smile. They appear to be friendly allies, but it’s easy to see why this was retooled as Cassian and K2SO are meant to distrust her for at least half the picture. She never once gets behind the controls of a ship.
Baze (Jiang Wen) says angrily on the storm-stricken planet Eadu: “They destroyed our home! I fight the Empire now.” Is this backstory we don’t know about? None of this texture is in the finished movie.
“I fear nothing.” If that sounds like it’s a weird thing for Chirrut to say, that’s because it is and he doesn’t say it in the movie (the following line, “all is as the Force wills it,” does make it).
“There is a 97.6% chance of failure.” K-2SO doesn’t deliver this warning in the version in theaters. The follow-up line, “He means well” is absent too.
Stormtroopers marching through the water. Nope.
You can see these various moments in the supercut below.
Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments section.
Update: Now that you’ve read the whole thing. Here’s an edit of 46 shots that aren’t in the final film for further context.
Chirrut’s fear line IS in the final movie, but as part of a longer statement: “The force is with me and I am with the force. And I fear nothing for all is as the force wills it.”
How about the fact that they kept the beach death scene from the original cut in, instead of reshooting it from up on the transmission tower? Because it makes total sense that they made it down 100+ floors of an imperial facility with every stormtrooper out there looking for them, just so they can have a romantic death on the beach.