World Cup ads are the new Super Bowl ads. Actually, they’re better.
On the heels of the epic Alejandro González Iñárritu directed Nike World Cup ad everyone was all hot for a couple weeks back is a re-imagining of the “Star Wars” Cantina scene for Adidas featuring Daft Punk, Noel Gallagher, Ciara, Ian Brown of the Stone Roses, David Beckham, Jay Baruchel, a show stealing Snoop Dog, and more. With some fantastic compositing work by Academy Award winning visual effects house The Mill, who also took care of the post production work on the Inarritu Nike spot, modern celebrities are placed into the famous scene for some fairly satisfying results.
It’s nice to see Lucasfilm display a sense of humor about their fan-reviled “who shot first” revision from the re-release of the original Star Wars trilogy. The whole scene makes the franchise almost feel fresh again for a moment. Or maybe the “add Daft Punk to anything to make it awesome” formula still has some steam behind it. Looks like it’s working for Tron: Legacy anyway.
Here’s the spot:
Did Anonymous Content produce this? This was great.
I absolutely hate this, I love the cantina scene, always have despite Greedo shooting first. This advert is devoid of any emotion or humour and it just feels good awfully lazy. LOOK LOOK STARWARS GET IT! The word Originality is used in the end line. KILL ME. The ghost of Alec Guinness is being raped. Who lets David Beckham speak? This is not the ad I am looking for. George how bad did you need the cash?
Have to agree with Theo here. This is shit. Borrowing glory from Star Wars is not 'original' or in any way creative: this is mess of an ad with no ideas that's had truckloads of cash dumped into it. And what has it to do with the World Cup? Sorry to say it, but Nike wins this round, hands down.
i concur with both Theo and Jessica…I despise how Adidas throws every celebrity in their stable at it, hoping to cover every demographic (for it's money).
Fuck Star Wars.
That's Noel Gallagher, not Liam. And don't say you can't tell them apart. This is the internet.
god, that was a steaming bag of shit..why does it feature a bunch of sad old cunts from the 80s and 90s?
Is the "celebrate originality" tagline meant to be ironic?
It is indeed a wretched hive of scum and villainy…. and daft punk!
I think this is a great promo! It’s really well done and has a lot of attention to detail.
Boogie Studio remixed all of the original Star Wars cantina sound effects and character dialogue with the new ones from the celebrities and other characters.
It’s a fun campaign and a great way to kick off FIFA 2010.
For more information or to see the full-length version of The Star Wars Cantina 2010, Please check out the blog below and feel free to comment.
Bawww bawww stfu nerds. Spot was solid. 1) Lucas is a billionaire, doesn't need the money. 2) who gives a flying fuck who shot first? 3) it's just Star Wars. It ain't the goddamn Mona Lisa. Relax and have some blue milk.