Actors and charitable causes have been tied together almost as long as the medium itself, but it seems like they've never been more public when it comes to awareness. From star-studded fundraisers to internet campaigns and more, you can't turn around without another issue being raised. But perhaps realizing it can be hard to cut through the noise, a couple recent spots grabbed our attention for being humorous or compelling in their approach.
First off, Matt Damon features in a pretty clever and funny spot for, in which he announces he's going on strike (from what exactly, you'll just have to see below), until the issue of clean water for all is solved. It's a pretty smart way to include the talking points Damon and the organization want to bring up, without hitting you over the head with it. Also, this is peppered with cameos galore so it's well worth the watch. Next, Joaquin Phoenix swings for the serious in his PETA spot promoting veganism. And we'll just say this, it definitely keeps you watching. Check out both spots below.
I'm sure the Clean Water Initiative is behind the Matt Damon ad.