Sunday, February 2, 2025

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Aaron Sorkin To Revive ‘Moneyball’; Brad Pitt Still On Board

Weird. We’re about mid-way through reading the Aaron Sorkin Facebook script, “The Social Network.”

Granted, we’re only half-way through it, but so far, it’s not the “amazing” script every is saying it might be (or interpreting ScriptShadow’s review that way). It’s nowhere near as humorous or touching as we’ve been meant to believe and so far… it’s pretty tedious. It’s not a page turner, that’s for sure.

It’s a court room procedural that flashes back to the salad days when Facebook was just taking off. It’s talky (Sorkin, natch) and it has low, low stakes… sort of like “Moneyball,” does. Midway through the Facebook script we started thinking Soderbergh, Fincher, etc…,i.e. the were some similarities flying around.

And now, THR is reporting that “Moneyball” might not be dead after all and Sorkin will be taking a crack at it. Strange.

Apparently Columbia has called him up to revise the earlier Steve Zaillian draft that most people (including us) liked, but allegedly couldn’t used because it purportedly fabricated things about Billy Beane’s (the character that Brad Pitt was to play) life, including his love life (the script makes him out to be a Lothario, apparently in real life he’s a happily married man and has been for years) which may or may not have been the make or breaker for MLB approval.

Apparently, despite his allegiances to Steven Soderbergh, Brad Pitt is still on board the project. Man, we really assumed this thing was dead. As we noted last week, the trade says Soderbergh is not involved in any capacity. Sorkin has sports experience too having written “Sports Night” for ABC a decade ago. Sorkin’s “The Social Network” script is also at Columbia/Sony, so they probably drew the same similarity conclusions that we did.

Btw, we just wrote a little feature about five directors who could possibly take on “Moneyball.” We think our picks are pretty good and informed.

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  1. Am I the only one who was just as happy having this thing dead?

    I don't read screenplays before I see a movie so I speak without any foreknowledge, but the idea never really captured my imagination and I was only interested because of the talent involved.

    With Sorkin on it, I have to be interested again goddamnit.

  2. Now Sorkin's on so that's even more money down the drain. At this rate they've probably already spent a shitload on this before the cameras even started rolling (if they ever even do). I want to see this get made, but it seems like a niche film yet they're spending big dollars on it and without Soderherghs direction I'm less excited than before.


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