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Aaron Sorkin Set To Develop Film On The John Edwards Sex Scandal?

With John Edwards political sex scandal being still fresh in everyone’s memory, the debacle will soon find its way to the silver screen courtesy of Aaron Sorkin.

The scribe is rumored to be in talks to option the memoirs of political aide Andrew Young, “The Politician,” which follows Edwards’ 2008 presidential run and the subsequent scandal which marred his attempts to be Barack Obama’s running mate.

It all makes for a fascinating story as Young is, of course, the Democratic staff member who stood up and claimed paternity of Rielle Hunter’s child until it was later revealed that Edwards had engaged in extra-marital affairs with Hunter and that the child was actually his. Young later renounced his claims and revealed Edwards had purposefully attempted to manipulate the information. When the dust had settled though, Edwards admitted to the affair but denied fathering Hunter’s child only to eventually admit to everything two years later, in January of this year just prior to Young’s book hitting store shelves.

The debacle also saw issues arising regarding Edward’s wife’s incurable cancer, a sex tape in Young’s possession, deceptive birth certificates and uncovered spin doctoring — the kind of political drama Sorkin eats up even if his involvement is only a rumor at this point.

Either way, it does look like the whole sordid affair will eventually find its way to silver screen. Young’s memoirs have evidently garnered significant interest in Hollywood noting that he’d “heard a lot of strong names [were interested]. I’d be honored if Aaron Sorkin is one of them.”

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