The majority of AT&T commercials these days tend to feature a guy talking to a group of kindergarten kids, listening to them say the “darndest things.” But most recently, AT&T has been taking on a more serious issue in their ads, regarding texting and driving. The ads are meant to promote their “It Can Wait” campaign, where people can go on the campaign’s website ( and pledge to never text and drive. In one of their latest “It Can Wait” ads, they have enlisted the help of filmmaker Werner Herzog, and the end result is pretty sobering.
The commercial features a mother telling the story of how her son, Xzavier, was crossing the street and wound up getting hit by a car. The woman in the car was texting. Xzavier managed to survive, but not without losing his legs and becoming paralyzed below his diaphragm. We then see Xzavier alongside his mother, in a wheelchair, struggling to breathe. His appearance in the ad is brief, but long enough to break your heart. Be sure to watch the commercial below.
I am getting these for my niece and nephew, inspirational 3D printed sculptures to hang from their rear view mirrors to remind them not to text and drive – very cool too! Link is below:
Don't Text and Drive inspirational hanging sculpture with Crash Test
Dummies. Buy "Don't Text and Drive Mashup" for $10. Over 20 intertwined
Crash Test Dummies make up this piece. It is inspired by the human
sculptures you see at Cirque du Soleil. Hang this from the rear-view
mirror of your car or the car of someone you love. This is a Mashup of an
inspirational message with an absurd sculpture of intertwined
Inspiration for the Crash Test Dummies came from the two comical talking
Crash Test Dummies named Vince and Larry that appeared in public service
announcements for seat belt safety in the 1980s.
My god, the comments under that video are horrible. They are blaming the kid for getting hit.
Errol Morris makes commercials too, I recently learned. His forte is that brand of e-Harmony commercials that involves brief flashes of an interview. I found a few, and they're similar to the above in terms of style. It's probably the least offensive kind of commercial. The closest to Art?