Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Watch: Longest Trailer Yet For Ridley Scott’s ‘The Counselor’ Starring Michael Fassbender

The Counselor, Brad Pitt

Already dreading the end of “Breaking Bad” in six weeks or so? It looks like Ridley Scott might have something to cure what ails you. It’s relatively unlikely that Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Cormac McCarthy was inspired by the popular and acclaimed series, given that he’s been writing about the cross-border world of drugs and gruesome murder for some time (most famously with the source material for the Coen Brothers‘ “No Country For Old Men“), but it’s hard to watch the new U.K. trailer for “The Counselor” (or, to use the U.K. spelling on this trailer, “The Counsellor“)—an original script by McCarthy, directed by Scott—and not find echoes of Walter White & co, especially when this new clip gives a glimpse of Dean Norris, aka “Breaking Bad“‘s Hank.

If you weren’t already aware, the film stars Michael Fassbender as the titular attorney, who becomes embroiled in a drugs trade, which as in all these movies, goes off without a hitch. Oh, wait, no, it leads to a bloody trail of murder and revenge. Fassbender heads off an all-star cast including the Brian Grazer-haired Javier Bardem as his partner, Penelope Cruz as his fiancee, Cameron Diaz as Bardem’s girlfriend and Brad Pitt as the man who puts the deal together.

The new trailer gives perhaps the best sense of the film itself so far, and it does seem to be something of a change of pace for Scott, which can only be a welcome thing at this point. Will it turn out to be an Oscar player, or is this a strictly a commercial prospect? The movie looks to be skipping the festival circuit entirely, unless it turns up at Telluride, but if Scott can get the alchemy right, it’s not impossible, even if the script is even bloodier and more uncompromising than “No Country For Old Men.” We’ll find out when the movie opens on October 25th. [Empire Online]

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  1. For a moment I thought this was a fan-made trailer because of that ridiculous, horrible song that you would hear from a guy who drives a raised 4×4 blasting Breaking Benjamin on his way for more Skoal.

  2. I'd be a lot more worried about Ridley Scott if not for the fact that Cormac McCarthy wrote this. Ridley can make a movie look very good, he just has a tendency to get lost in the plot or make the characters say ridiculous things. If you consider that Cormac is far more talented at controlling those two aspects – the plot and the dialogue – that should, hopefully, keep the film on track and afford Ridley more focus on the elements he's best at.

  3. Looks great, but did they have to use that fucking stupid song in the trailer!? This awful trend of using a flavor-of-the-month song in a trailer needs to stop. LAST WEEK. That shitty Flo Rida song was used to sell both "R.I.P.D." and "Jobs", which tells me that those movies have ZERO discernible personality. Also the "We're The Millers" TV spots using "Blurred Lines" shows that the marketers couldn't sell anything the movie had to offer, so they just have to fall back on a popular song to sell their movie. PLEASE STOP.

    At least this movie looks damn good. Ridley needs a good one right now. ANYTHING is better than Prometheus.

  4. This trailer tells us a lot more. Visually it looks a lot like Thelma and Louise; Scott never disappoints in terms of the look of the film. Everyone looks and sounds good here, especially Fassbender and Diaz; I'm hoping one or both can get recognized.

  5. Thankfully shakycam-free. Return to classic shots. And the bleached out grey is at least a break from overexposed yellow & blue. Just have to wait and see how good it really is – Scott's movies can go either way on a dime.


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