Even though it was a battle, Bong Joon-Ho was pretty much always going to win against The Weinstein Company (and he explains why here), some around The Playlist would argue that "Snowpiercer" could use a trim to the director’s cut. But not everyone. Either way, it’s one of the most anticipated movies of the summer for those who have waited far too long for the latest from the filmmaker behind "Mother" and "The Host." And this clip should heat up those feelings.
Vulture has the crackling clip from the post-apocalyptic thriller, which follows the inhabitants of the class-divided titular train, that flies at high speed around the globe, carrying the last survivors on Earth. But inequality is still rampant on board, and Tilda Swinton plays the organ of the well-heeled and in this scene delivers a rather searing speech to the "filthy ingrates" at the back of the train. Basically, the mere fact that this movie has Tilda Swinton in it clearly having a blast in the role, is reason enough to see this.
"Snowpiercer" opens on June 27th.
What, you americans still haven't watched it?
This movie has been out online forever and it's pretty awful. Why all the coverage?
Tilda Swinton is kind of fun in it…
Tilda Swinton is a versatile actress and seems to take on odd and challenging roles regardless of billing. May she and her ilk continue to thrive.
I want to bugger Tilda Swinton (as the bird was in 1978 when the bird was 18, not as the bird is now obviously).
Tilda Swinton is a load of old rubbish specifically because she is British and a fag-hag, the slag is also a fag-enabler which is quite unforgivable.