Last week the internet got a good laugh when the Sad Affleck meme picked up steam following the critical crushing received by “Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice,” with the actor’s glum face becoming the avatar of the film’s bad reviews. But he may have the last laugh. The one thing everyone can agree on with ‘Dawn Of Justice’ is that Affleck is a very good Bruce Wayne, and on a financial level, the movie is aiming for a pretty big $60 million second weekend. And one more thing: Affleck already has a solo Batman script in the can.
It’s a surprise to hear the news, given that when asked during the press rounds for ‘Batman v Superman’ if he’d suit up and star and possibly direct a solo Batman flick, he’s given variations of the stock “if-the-script-is-good-and-I-can-fit-it-in-my-schedule” answer. Well, he’s ensured the script is good by doing it himself (well, alongside Geoff Johns).
READ MORE: Ranked: The Films Of Ben Affleck
“He’s contracted to do at least ‘Justice League‘ one and two, so at least three times wearing the cape, [and] there’s a script that he’s written that is a really cool [Batman] idea, so that’s out there as an option,” Affleck’s agent Patrick Whitesell revealed THR.
Still, Affleck’s caginess may reflect that he’s waiting to see where the DCU is at following the “Justice League” movies before he decides he wants to do more. Certainly, if he’s lost some confidence given how ‘Dawn Of Justice’ has been received overall, outside his performance, Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder (who is part of the DC braintrust) have a long way to go in bringing Affleck back around and getting him excited.
“Batman” written and directed by Ben Affleck? Sounds good to me. Let us know what you think below.
Poor William Goldman must be getting some calls again…
If he ends up dissatisfied with Justice League that might give him even more incentive to do his own Batman film – to get it right.
Would love to see a solo Batman movie directed by him if not for the fact that he\’d be beholden to the currently established DC universe, which they have fucked up literally every single aspect of s far. You\’re right, he\’s good at directing smart blockbuster fare and could probably do great with the source material, but the fact is they\’re not really going with the source material as much as just cherry picking whatever they want and throwing it all into a committee-sanctioned shared universe blender and making a bullshit smoothie out of it. I know I sound bitter and crazy but come on they\’ve got like billions of dollars and access to so much talent, WHY do they keep letting Snyder make the call on everything?
"Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder (who is part of the DC braintrust) have a long way to go in bringing Affleck back around and getting him excited."
How do you know this ? I\’m figuring Affleck didn\’t tell you this personally, cause I\’m guessing you don\’t know him. Just more Fan Site BS.
Affleck, Snyder ,& company more than likely got only a passing gut ache at the attempted backstabbing by the "Critical Community". They knew what they had and obviously knew their audience. As none of you did.
Good for them
The Town is a great heist film. He could do a great job and do a worthy continuation from Nolan\’s great Dark Knight trilogy.
"Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder (who is part of the DC braintrust) have a long way to go in bringing Affleck back around and getting him excited."
How do you know this ? I’m figuring Affleck didn’t tell you this personally, cause I’m guessing you don’t know him. Just more Fan Site BS.
Affleck, Snyder ,& company more than likely got only a passing gut ache at the attempted backstabbing by the "Critical Community". They knew what they had and obviously knew their audience. As none of you did.
Good for them