If you’re any kind of moviegoer, you probably know and love Andrew Jarecki’s chilling Academy Award-nominated documentary, “Capturing The Freidmans” about an upper-middleclass Jewish family in New York whose world was instantly transformed in the 1980s when the father and his youngest son are arrested and charged with shocking crimes of child molestation (the doc was originally scheduled to be about one of the family member’s clown career, but Jarecki’s investigation soon led to something much bigger and he switched focus).
So when, it was announced that Jarecki was making his feature-film narrative debut with the mystery/thriller romance picture, “All Good Things,” starring Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst, we were more than mildly intrigued. However, the film seemed to sit on the shelf for a long time after it was completed. Notorious ’09 TWC money issues? Would it come out his year? We hoped so and included it in our Most Anticipated Films in 2009.
According to earlier last month Box-Office Mojo, the film finally was given a July 24 release date (IMDB and Wiki corroborate this date too), but curiously enough there’s still nothing on the Weinstein Company site. Here’s the official synopsis:
Ryan Gosling stars as a wealthy heir to a well-to-do family who gets wrapped up in a deadly mystery when a romantic interest of his (played by Kirsten Dunst) from a different rung on the social ladder disappears in this Groundswell Productions picture. Capturing the Friedmans’ Andrew Jarecki directs from a script he penned with Marcus Hinchey and Mark Smerling, with Frank Langella, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kristen Wiig and Philip Baker Hall co-starring.
So, coming out this summer or is TWC stalling once more? Less than two months away and no trailer? Hmmm, sounds like a no-go, right? And that seems to be the case according to a quiet NYPost blog piece from earlier last month. Apparently now TWC want to move the long-delayed picture into the fall. If the rumors of TWC’s monetary problems are true, you can bet July 24 is long off and fall is the earliest we’ll see it. It’s possible there could be even more delays. Stay tuned.
Where is the movie "all good things" !!! What's up with this. Really looking forward to any movie ryan gosling is in..So disappointed…
(sources at website)
At a time when child sexual abuse has been identified as a major public health crisis, the new film “Capturing the Friedmans” takes a skeptical attitude regarding believing children. The 1989, Arnold Friedman and his son Jesse plead guilty to multiple charges of sodomy and sexual abuse against young boys who took computer classes taught in the basement of their home. Jesse now claims he was wrongly convicted. Our research into the case shows that the director of the film sacrificed truth in favor of creating artistic ambiguity. Clear evidence is omitted and facts are distorted. In addition, the film relies on popular but erroneous myths about child sexual abuse. As a result, uncertainty is created about the guilt of two confessed pedophiles — who are recast as victims — while the real victims — the boys and their families — are portrayed as untrustworthy.
Newsday staff reporter Victor Manuel Ramos interviews several of the victims who Arnold and Jesse Friedman plead guilty to abusing. “For Gregory, the hullabaloo over Jarecki’s film — and whether the director will pick up an Oscar tonight — is a sideshow to the legacy of the abuse. Even now, Gregory said he sometimes wakes up at night shaking, especially after hearing of other child abuse cases on the news or elsewhere. What would be passing news to others, hits home for him. Diagnosed in his preteen years, Gregory said he has persistent rectal bleeding from the abuse. Memories aside, the physical scar will never let him forget. `This is the constant reminder I live with every day,’ Gregory said, `that I was abused.’”
“CAPTURING THE FRIEDMANS” Documentary or Whitewash?
Have you seen Andrew Jarecki‘s award-winning film? Did it leave you with the impression that Jesse Friedman and maybe his father, Arnold, were victims of a witch hunt conducted by an inept and overzealous investigation team? That conclusion is no accident. Jarecki omitted incriminating evidence that might have made you think differently about Jesse and Arnold. Consider this information, and decide for yourself if this well-reviewed “documentary” can be trusted.
1. What Arnold and Jesse admitted under oath: The film shows–but minimizes the fact- – that Arnold and Jesse admitted to molesting 13 boys, ages 7-11. Arnold pled to 8 counts of sodomy, 28 counts of first-degree sexual abuse, and also admitted to ramming a child‘s head into a wall in front of other children. Jesse pled to 17 counts of sodomy, 4 counts of first degree sexual abuse.
5. Why didn‘t the boys tell anyone? Children “tell” about abuse indirectly. In 1989 some wet their beds, took baseball bats to bed, could not sleep. The children reported Arnold threatened to burn down their houses, kill parents, if they told.
State of New York v. Arnold Friedman. Motion for order requiring return of property seized from 17 Picadilly Road, Great Neck, Nassau County, New York, seized pursuant to search warrant of November 25, 1987. Motion #C-427, Indictment #67104 & 67430. “Judge Abbey L. Boklan approved Arnold Friedmans’ request for the return of all property seized at the Friedman home with the exception of pornographic materials listed in this document. Materials include such items as: 5 pornographic movies, assorted order forms for pornography, assorted pornographic magazine cutouts, 2 partially nude photos of children, 3 sheets advertising homosexuality with boys, 6 photos of naked people, 3 battery operated sex aids, 1 hypodermic needle, 9 pornographic computer games (with descriptions), list of names and phone numbers of 9 victims, 2 registration sheets with names of victims.”
Geraldo Rivera’s interview with Jesse Friedman “Busting the Kiddie Porn Underground” February 23, 1989 — Geraldo!
The whole show was devoted to exposing the extent of the problem of child porn in America. The Friedman case is used as a prime example. Geraldo Rivera interviews Jesse in prison. Jesse confessed to Geraldo that he and his father abused 17 children (he was convicted of only abusing 13) and stated that even more children witnessed the abuse.