When the “Where The Wild Things Are” soundtrack details and tracklist were announced many bemoaned the fact that the Arcade Fire’s version of “Wake Up” – exclusively re-recorded for the trailer (an “acoustic” version if you will, though only the first half is actually rendered that way) – wasn’t on the soundtrack disc or on any digital platforms.
Well, it’s leaked. Sort of. We Love You So (Spike Jonze’s arts & Culture blog), in tandem with the World’s Best Ever, released a ‘Wild Things’ inspired mp3 mixtape (all one mp3 though, tracks not separated) and the Arcade Fire version is on it. All 1:39 seconds of it. And actually, it’s the exact same song you heard in the trailer, same length, etc. (we were hoping their was an extended version somewhere). Also, this mp3 was sent to us about a month ago, because we assumed it was just ripped from the trailer and not the actual version. Nope, it’s the exact one in the trailer and the WLYS mixtape.
So, here’s the track, but if you’ve seen the ‘Wild Things’ trailer with the Arcade Fire song, this is a similar experience only this time, it’s like having your eyes closed while the trailer is playing. Enjoy.
Update: OK, we KNEW there was a real, longer version. Here it is. Big kudos to the reader who found it. Update 2: Ok, we’re told that this is a mash-up with the original and the new version and a source close to Spike Jonze tells us the Arcade Fire only re-recorded the 1:39 minute trailer version so there is no long version. Sorry to get your hopes up. Both versions are here, the full trailer song and this clever mix of the two (which we kinda prefer).
It's NOT the real thing. It's a mix with the original version.
yo can someone split these…i know on the blog its like society doesnt have patience and all..which is true but this is obnoxious..thanks PLAYLIST.com my love…I have listened to If We Were Wes Anderson Pt. 1, 2, and 3…36 times…much love
Man, I was stoked thinking it was the real thing. Sigh… I'm sure it will appear soon.
If "your a bit over arcade fire," why report on them?
Pretty much just to annoy you Tyler.
yo playlist you read what i said?..thanks