Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Got a Tip?

Tom O’Neil An ‘Inglorious’ Reterd

We’re just past the midway mark and Tom O’Neil has twice embarrassed himself and the LA Times. First was his posting an Oscar voter’s opinion that “This Is It” was going to nominated for Best Picture. Now, O’Neil is predicting that “Inglorious Basterds” is going to take home the statue for Best Picture.

The inanity of O’Neil’s logic is staggering. First, he says that Quentin Tarantino’s Cool Factor (the capitals are O’Neil’s brilliant idea) and the fact that he hasn’t won before will play an element considering that he will probably be running against “refried beans” (again, his words) like Clint Eastwood, Peter Jackson and Rob Marshall. Of course, he unconvincingly shrugs off the strong potential of Jason Reitman because it doesn’t fit his argument.

He also contends that “Inglorious Basterds” is going to earn eight or nine Oscar nominations and will that his sources at the Hollywood Press Association tell him the Golden Globe people love the film and it will clean up there as well (we don’t think it’s impossible that it’ll get nominated for Best Picture at the Globes or Oscars, but winning? And when did the Globes even matter?)

We’re not going to waste any time refuting O’Neil with common sense, because he seems to be immune to it. But if he took his head out of his ass for about five minutes, he might realize that the Weinsteins are pretty much going all-in with “Nine” (if the entire cast appearance yesterday on Oprah wasn’t a hint enough), while positioning the other films in their Oscar stable, “A Single Man,” “The Road” and yes, “Inglourious Basterds” for specific considerations (mostly in the acting categories).

Listen, we know the LA Times has been through some editorial upheaval lately, but to whoever is calling the shots over there, Tom O’Neil is a fucking disgrace. Please put him out to pasture or reduce him to reviewing local theater because he is not fit to be reporting on film.

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  1. The new format will likely also have an effect. Not the 10 nominees so much as the fact that the 10 will be ranked. Since each film will receive some kind of vote, I imagine that will influence the way people vote. But maybe I'm wrong.

  2. The "This Is It" nominated for Best Picture debacle is definitely my favorite Oscar prediction. I definitely agree with The Playlist, it's just sad that the general public probably prefer Tom O'Neil to serious Oscar bloggers, just as they prefer E!'s red carpet coverage to a New York Times article about any awards show.

  3. At this point, Tom Zero's opinion is just as good as anyone else's… which is to say not very but that doesn't stop anyone from throwing shit against the wall and then finger painting with it like that dude in Hunger.

    Save your sanity and just don't pay attention at least until all the potential nominees have been seen.


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