Friday, October 4, 2024

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‘Captain America’ to Shoot in June; Sam Worthington OBVIOUSLY Rumored to Star as Both ‘Captain A’ and ‘Flash Gordon;’ ‘Thundercats’ Put Down

The Captain America movie is set to start shooting in June, with director Joe Johnston already ensconced in the art department of “The First Avenger: Captain America,” as revealed in this Fangoria interview about Wolf Man, via Film Drunk. This means we’ll probably get a casting announcement in the next couple of months as to who will play the titular Captain and “peak of human perfection.” I hear Sam Worthington’s been in a few action movies lately. Speaking of our favorite Aussie action figure…

…It’s being rumored that everyone’s favorite standard-issue Hollywood Ken doll du jour Sam Worthington is being considered for the lead as All-American superhero Flash Gordon in the reboot of the 1980 film. Don’t get your hopes up though, Sam Worthington’s name gets attached to just about every project announced these days. Also in the mix, OTHER Hollywood action figure Ryan Reynolds, according to Hollyscoop, though his schedule is mighty action packed with “Green Lantern” and “Deadpool” in the works, and Cinematical says the project is being geared up for a 2012 release, which might be make scheduling Reynolds difficult. Cinematical also claims the hunk from Oz, Worthington, could be considered as a contender for Captain America. He’ll have to perfect his American accent to play both Captain America AND Flash Gordon– All-American football player who finds himself and his girlfriend aboard the spaceship to planet Mongo, ruled by Emperor Ming the Merciless. We’re taking this rumor as just that– Worthington is 2009’s ultimate action breakout star so his name is constantly being batted about. “Sahara” director Breck Eisner (who is currently finishing up “The Crazies”) is named to helm the film with a script by Mike Sazama and Burk Sharpless, and his m.o. is to reinvent the 80s Flash Gordon, claiming the film will be, “very modern. It’s not camp.”

Sad news, children of the 80s, is reporting that the big-screen version of the classic cartoon “Thundercats” has been buried at Warner Brothers. With the success of other 80s cartoons “Transformers” and “G.I. Joe,” “Thundercats” would seem like a no-brainer to make the leap to feature film. Sadly, reliable sources say it’s not gonna happen. Look on the bright side– one of our cherished childhood relics will go untarnished by the likes of Michael Bay or Channing Tatum. Console yourself with these $200 Lion-O and Cheetara porcelain statues.

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  1. i dont care much for a Flash Gordon reboot but Worthington as Cap ,whats wrong with that hes doing well hes a good action movie star i want him as Cap who else is there Matt Damon get out of here man. (Rumor too)If Bale can do Batman then let Worthington be Cap. But with the big fight about him not being american, WHO CARES! Worthington Cap PERFECT ! my opion and the Deadpool Movie won't last i agree with u there. Green Lantern


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