David Fincher is reportedly circling the English language adaptation of the first installment in Stieg Larsson’s best-selling “Millenium” series, “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.”
Already adapted into an award-winning Swedish language trilogy, the English-language version is being produced by Scott Rudin at Sony with Steve Zaillian (“Schindler’s List,” “American Gangster”) adapting. Its development seems to be making progress with the studio also reportedly having Carey Mulligan on top of its wishlist for the role of Lisbeth Salander, a socially-awkward, computer hacking genius. Though no deals have been made yet, Sony is apparently very happy with the work Fincher has done on “The Social Network,” itself an adaptation of a Ben Mezrich book.
Fincher has already ventured into crime-thrillers, of course, with “Se7en” and “Zodiac” but had previously shown an interest in returning to the genre with an adaptation of “Torso” that had Matt Damon, Casey Affleck and Rachel McAdams attached. Whether Larsson’s worldwide literary hits are the re-entry point into the genre Fincher was after remains to be seen.
The project, which is loaded with franchise potential, is predicted to spark a lot of interest. The lead male role of womanizing journalist Mikael Blomkvist has also been linked to George Clooney though that seems to be more internet-casting than anything substantial. Having said that, we’d take a Fincher-Clooney-Mulligan project any day of the week.
Niels Arden Oplev’s Swedish-language take on “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” meanwhile hits theaters March 19th.
Fincher 's choice is too obvious here and i don't see Clooney and Mulligan in the roles(Nomi Rapace was very good)
Clooney and Mulligan? errr No. Be sensible
"Already adapted into an award-winning Swedish language trilogy"
It won an Audience award. The Critics didnt exactly rave over it.
ohhhhh, now its sounds interesting. I take Mulligan over Kristen Stewart any day of the year
Terrible idea, mostly because the new movie coming out (review next week) is terrible.
Now here is a category that needs to be protected from remake. Foreign films. It is getting to the point that Hollywood is making their 'English" versions on top of the overseas ones and before long we'll have the two battling each other in same day releases. This is particularly annoying when it's also a book adaption of non American material. Does Hollywood think us so Xenophobic that we won't watch something, even dubbed, that doesn't star the white bread flavor of the month. That they can't handle letting them foreigners have 3-4 years to soak up the love before even thinking about a new version.
And sorry, I've read the books, Lysander isn't some cute awkward geek. She's a ragtag, street punk, Parkour type. As much as I dislike the whole "cast Kristen Stewart and get the Twihards" knee jerk that seems to be going around, she's at least physically closer to the character. Find someone with that look and Carey's talent and you might have a winner.
Horrible Casting !!!!!!!
Yeah, that casting's terrible. Maybe Liam Neeson as Blomvuist. Stewart might work as Salander, but definitely not Mulligan.
For Lisbeth Salander how about Ellen Paige or Christina Ricci?
Hell I would even go for Stewart over Mulligan. Glad this is only the studios choice but I am with Charli – give it a while before you remake it.
I hope Fincher refuses to cast Mulligan. Plz Kristen Stewart or Ellen Page
I like the idea of Kristen Stewart, not gonna lie. But I dont see the problem with they casting Mulligan, if Dakota Fanning played a drugie rocker in Runaways, why cant Mulligan play a punk lesbian?
" if Dakota Fanning played a drugie rocker in Runaways, why cant Mulligan play a punk lesbian?"
Have you seen this movie?
I think Natalie Portman should play Lisbeth. She looks like her physically and i think she can pull off the personality kind of like Alice in Closer. Carey Mulligan seems too cute.
I think Natalie Portman should play Lisbeth. She looks like her physically and i think she can pull off the personality kind of like Alice in Closer. Carey Mulligan seems too cute.
Thats actually a funny observation, since A LOT of people didnt want Portman for the role in Closer because they thought she was too sweet and cute for the stripper role.
I am sorry but not Carey for this movie! She is not the right person for the role. Kristen Stewart or Ellen page are the only two I can see for this remake. I know Carey is the hot thing now ( and she is great) but not for everything.
ugh, this film was soooo awful and overrated.
Please CAREY STAY WAY!!!!!!!! She is too good for this, I want her working with Ang Lee, Jane Champion, not this kind of crap.
I watched Noomi Rapace opening night in the UK. It honestly was one of the best female performances of the last decade. It's not going to be topped!According to IMDb Mulligan is 5'7, that's too tall for Salander. She's a great actress but I can't see her as Lisbeth.
My fingers are crossed for 5'1 Ellen Page. Hard Candy is Salander all over. Fincher gets a big thumbs up. If not then The Coens Bros. who have experience with adpating No Country.
"I think Natalie Portman should play Lisbeth. She looks like her physically"
no, salander is androgynous, small and definitely not a hot jewish girl. an american adaptation simply can't work, since many story elements are rooted in swedish (fashistic) historical events and take reference to them.