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‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’: Official Clip Re-Introduces The Justice League

The release of “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” is so close we can already hear the angry sounds of people typing their response to the film’s release. In the meantime, Zack Snyder is busy doing promotions for the film and hyping up what has become the holy grail of directors’ cut of films. The latest is a new clip of the film re-introducing us to the titular Justice League.

READ MORE: New Deep Dive Into ‘Justice League’ Suggests Zack Snyder Quit Because WB Gave Joss Whedon Too Much Power

The clip debuted during an IGN Fan Fest panel with Snyder himself introducing what he called “The Mother Box Origins,” a CG sequence set not to Leonard Cohen‘s “Hallelujah,” surprisingly enough, but to Tom Waits song “Time.” The clip looks like a credits sequence, as it features a short recap of the origin story of each of the members of the league, including a new look at the actual protagonist of the franchise — Martha Wayne’s pearl necklace.

“I doodled all those. There’s a million Easter eggs in it, and if you go look there’s storylines that I had been working on that if the film had been continued or if you look at the past histories, there’s a bunch of little details in there for everybody,” Snyder teased. “It’s really worth taking a long slow look at because it’s really fun, and I think for fans it’s really a treat.”

Snyder also discussed releasing his cut of “Justice League” as a single, gigantic film rather than a four-part mini-series, explaining that it will be chaptered anyway. “That was the way the film was created just in my mind as the way it was easily digestible. There was so much and I just felt like this kind of chapters as you went forward was really the best way to absorb it. It was always going to be finished as a single film but then I thought, ‘Oh, it might be fun to break it up.’ But that just got complicated and everyone started to get nervous about whether or not it was contractually this or that.”

READ MORE: Zack Snyder Originally Wanted A Batman/Lois Lane Love Story In His ‘Justice League’

Back when he first started working on “Justice League,” Snyder was building up to a three-part epic that never came to be. Fans expecting Snyder to sneak in plot points to the rest of the trilogy might be disappointed. “I plant the seeds of what would come in later films, but there’s nothing here that encompasses any of the additional movies.” Worse yet, Snyder confirms the film ends on a massive cliffhanger.

Fans hoping to see the original, black-and-white version of “Zack Snyder’s Justice League,” you’re in luck. Snyder confirmed it will be coming to HBO Max at a later, unspecified date. Even better, whenever we are able to go back to theaters, Snyder teased a theatrical release of the film in full IMAX will be accompanied by an intermission scored by Junkie XL.

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