Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Kevin Feige Praises DC Films: “They’ve Figured It Out”

There’s no doubt that Marvel head and President Kevin Feige is lover of comic books. You’d have to be in order to accomplish what he has with the Marvel Cinematic Universe since its inception in 2008. Feige’s achieved what many have tried but failed to do: capture the spirit of his, and millions of fans, childhood heroes. There is a lot to be learned in the way Feige approaches every endeavor he and his creative team delve into.

DC Films have obviously got off on a wrong foot with audiences and critics after stumbling rather hard with “Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice” and “Suicide Squad.” The critically well-received “Wonder Woman” may have turned the narrative around, but fans are already bracing themselves for the beleaguered “Justice League” movie which has been riddled with rumors, problems and reports of extensive rewrites, reworking of tone and reshoots (director Zack Snyder left the project earlier this year after a family tragedy and former Marvel helmer Joss Whedon was brought in to finish the film).

Heroic Hollywood spoke to Feige earlier last week about many things and the conversation, obviously, went heavily towards talking about the upcoming “Thor: Ragnarok,” which is just a few weeks away from release. However, Gonzalez did have the time to squeeze in a DC question into the mix, asking Feige what he thought DC could learn from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The response was not revelatory but seems to go with what many fans are thinking these days:

“I don’t know. I’m not one to bestow advice onto others. I think you can look at what they did with ‘Wonder Woman’ and they’ve figured that out. I’ve got great confidence in Geoff Johns over there and now Joss Whedon helping them out that just makes me excited as a fan to see what’s next.”

Wonder Woman” gave fans hope this summer, it was a blockbuster hit and, more importantly, the reviews were very universally positive, a first for any DC movie this millennium. Gal Gadot‘s heroine will no doubt play a larger role in the future of the cinematic universe. Also, having Geoff Johns, who is heading the creative team as the co-runner of the DC extended Universe and co-chairman of DC films, is a brilliant decision, he’s delved deeply into the DC comic book world for years now and his knowledge of that world no doubt plays a crucial role in how the films are being developed. Feige also mentions Joss Whedon, who is currently, relentlessly, working in putting the finishing touches on “Justice League” and starting his dream project “Batgirl.” Whedon might be the main argument for why DC will have a brighter future. Whedon obviously worked with Feige to develop the MCU, especially in the movie-by-movie setup which eventually led to 2010’s landmark “The Avengers.”

Time will tell what the future holds for the DCEU as “Justice League” is being released next month, albeit amid many of the aforementioned nightmarish production rumors. That will be a crucial test in knowing if, after the boost of “Wonder Woman,” the DCEU is indeed headed in the right direction. [Heroic Hollywood]

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  1. This article got a few things wrong.

    Wonder Woman was not the first well received DC movie “this millennium”. Has the author forgotten about the entire Nolan/Bale Batman trilogy????

    Also, Avengers came out in 2012, not 2010.

  2. Andrew, as great as those Nolan/Bale Batman films are and were, they’re not part of this “alleged” DC Extended Universe (DCEU). I believe the writer alluded to this.


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