Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Charlize Theron Says Script For ‘Mad Max’ Prequel ‘Furiosa’ Ready To Go

The plans for the return of “Mad Max” to the big screen were always ambitious. In its earliest stages, there was talk that “Mad Max: Fury Road” would shoot back-to-back with “Mad Max: Furiosa,” a companion film that would be part of a trilogy. George Miller has always said that writing went so well on ‘Fury Road,’ he wound up with three scripts, with one focusing solely on the backstory of Charlize Theron‘s Furiosa. Initially, Miller had planned to make ‘Furiosa’ as an anime companion film to ‘Fury Road,’ but things never came together. However, if and when Miller is ready to return to the world of ‘Mad Max,’ Theron is ready.

READ MORE: Charlize Theron Takes Down James McAvoy In New ‘Atomic Blonde’ Clip

In an interview with Variety, the actress revealed she’s game to reprise her role as Furiosa, and even admits the scripts are there just waiting to be made.

“I’d love to. There were three scripts. They were written as backstories to Max’s character and to Furiosa’s character. But at the end of the day, this thing lives and breathes with [director] George [Miller]. I think Warner Bros. knows that. We are all waiting for him to show us the way,” she said.

Indeed, you can only imagine that franchise-hungry Warner Bros. are sending flowers and chocolate to Miller to try and get started on the next chapter of the ‘Mad Max’ saga. However, they’ll have to wait, as Miller has long insisted he wants to make a small, special effects-free movie first. Well, it’s been two years since ‘Fury Road’ came out and there’s been zero movement on that front, so we’ll just have to keep pining for Furiosa to find her fire on the big screen sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed because we’d love to see it happen.

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    • By the look of things and the language you use, you are part of the problem too. Bigotry and extremism from both sides ulimately polarizes people into a black-or-white state of mind, that hurts society as a whole. Personally, i couldnt give less of a fuck about the character being a woman. Or a man. Who gives a crap.

      • Using harsh language to denounce bigotry and extremism doesn’t make one a bigot or an extremist. If a group is oppressive and unreasonable, they are the problem, regardless of how little respect their critics and victims show them in return. People who are unethically dominating others always want to focus the discussion away from ethics and towards decorum and politeness, because a presumption of ethical parity always works in their favor, while a focus on poise and politeness always works against the victims. They want us to overlook that the victim’s anger is justified while the abuser’s actions are not.

        If someone wants to defend the alt right, they should do it by defending their agenda, rather than attacking the decorum of the person calling them out. It’s a civil rights battle, and as is usually the case, the right are the aggressors, which means they cede any expectation of respect.

        • Your (maybe prepared?) reponse is lovely, but unfortunately, not accurate, at least, not if it’s aimed at me or my comment. Please, re-read my entire comment and analyze it, and you’ll see that i wasnt defending any kind of extremism. Of course i hate mysogenists and stupid “alt right” lunatics. I’m european, we’re mostly regular, sane people around here. But people like the person i responded to are making things worse by fighting fire with fire. Not productive in any way.

          • “Of course i hate mysogenists and stupid “alt right” lunatics.”

            I didn’t think otherwise. But my point is that calling out people who are loudly, or even rudely, denouncing groups that are blatantly oppressive, and putting them on even ground as both being part of the problem, works in the favor of the aggressors. Insubstantive insults may not be the best way to fight oppression, but equating it to bigotry and extremism is ridiculous. If (hypothetically) an extremist tells me to please get out of the country before he rounds me and mine up a for execution, and I tell him he’s a “fucking Nazi piece of shit, and then spit in his face”, it doesn’t matter how politely he spoke, or how rudely I responded. He’s still the only bigot, and the only extremist.

            And when those bigots and extremists manage to take control of the government, and get more brazen about their agenda, there’s only so much that polite discourse will get you. The more you engage politely, the more normalized their platform becomes. Every resistance movement benefits from a branch that continues to negotiate and push for polite and peaceful compromise. But ultimately, pretty much every civil rights struggle in history has been powered by heavily disrespectful, angry belligerence.

    • Yeah, if only everyone you disagree with could be written off and villains, huh? Why do I get the feeling you’ve been the “good guy” in every single scenario you’ve ever been in?

  1. I liked Fury Road so much that it knocked Road Warrior to second place of my Mad Max favorites. Let Mr. Miller take his time.

    Also, I can’t stand Charlize Theron as a person, but she IS the quintessential Furiosa.

    • Well, while i dont like gender swapping just for the hell of it (or to appeal to a certain sector of the population, like in Ghost Busters), i have to say that, in this case, the results were golden. Fury Road was an EXCELLENT movie. And given Theron’s lead, i bet this spin-off will be very good, too.

  2. I still can’t get over how awesome it was to watch that movie for the first time. It was just so damn refreshing to see a high quality, smart, entertaining movie!
    And the Oscars actually acknowledged it too, shocking.

  3. I just can’t stand Charlize Theron. Anyone but her. Okay not anyone, but if it’s got her in it, I’ll skip it. Aren’t there some new less hateful actresses out there to play this role? Does it have to be her?

    • I’ve seen a couple comments hating Theron, and i’d like to know what’s the beef against her? I’ve only seen her movies (not into any kind of hollywood gossip or anything…), and she’s one of the best actreses around, IMO. So i’m curious about why some people hate her that much.

      • Honestly? Because over the years I’ve encountered various people who have worked with her and the picture is not flattering. Suffice it to say she has some… hem… issues she likes to work out with her co-stars. And I’m just not willing to support someone like her with my film dollars. YMMV


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