Ok, so while it doesn’t reveal anything new about the film, this “Inception” featurette — which is apparently playing before the trailers in certain cinemas — does give a taste at just how huge this production actually was.
Shot in six different countries, using in camera effects and coming in at an estimated cost of $200 million dollars, this is definitely the most expensive existential heist film ever made. It’s kind of breathtaking to see the sheer size of the giant spinning corridor used to film the anti-gravity fight scenes with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It’s also kind of heartening in this era of easy CGI solutions, Nolan says that he and his team, “really wanted to test ourselves in terms of photographing things in real places.” Even if met encountering nearly every weather condition possible.
Among the very brief glimpses of new footage, we see a closeup of Leonardo DiCaprio’s Cobb plunging backwards into a tub of water; the firebombing of a car; Tom Hardy probably doing something very cool, and more intriguingly “The Mark” (Cillian Murphy) wearing a white suit of some kind and entering the “2001”-esque room featured in the last trailer. We can’t wait to see how these things all add up.
“Inception” hits theaters on July 16th.
This looks like the coolest movie ever.
Nothing against Leo, but man I was Heath Ledger was alive and in the main role.
I hate to be coarse, but I blow my load everytime I see any footage for this movie. Or anytime I even hear the two music pieces related with the film so far for that matter.