In 2012, we placed Greig Fraser in our On The Rise: Cinematographers feature, and now, two years later, the man is behind the camera of two of fall’s biggest films, "Foxcatcher" and "The Gambler." It’s nice to see that the industry has taken notice in the tremendous work he’s been doing, and now he’s going blockbuster.
In an interview with In Contention, Fraser reveals he’ll be the DP on the Gareth Edwards‘ "Star Wars" spinoff, and like many of the folks getting involved with the new batch of films, there’s something about the nostalgic pull that can’t be resisted. "…it’s never been my goal to do ‘big’ films because a big film in itself is not very interesting to me. I don’t love big films for the sake of big films. It’s not been a career drive to get to that point," he said. "But it’s really exciting purely just because it’s such a big part of my childhood. And also, too, dude, if I fuck it up then I fuck up my childhood. So, you know, the pressure’s on!"
While Fraser knows the working title and even some details, he’s not saying a word. "I can’t tell you what it’s about. I think I signed my left kidney to Disney and my right kidney to George Lucas. So I’d hate to be talking to you next time when I’m on dialysis," he joked.
It’s exciting stuff, and Fraser is one of our favorites behind the camera, so we’re really excited to see what he comes up with when given the tools of a major blockbuster. And Edwards is gifted with a keen visual sense as well, so their pairing could be an inspiring one.
"Untitled Star Wars Spinoff ZOMG" lands on December 16, 2016.