Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Watch: First Clip From ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey,’ Movie Reportedly Features 20 Minutes Of Sex Scenes

Fifty Shades Of Grey“It is the biggest moment for our industry in popular culture pretty much ever,” Claire Cavanah, co-founder of adult novelty retailer Babeland told The New York Times. “We’re all sort of preparing for what could be another wave of toys.” Indeed, it’s not just Vintage Books and Universal Studios who will be cashing in when the kinky blockbuster opens next week. It seems all of America is getting ready for an erotic re-awakening, but will the movie actually turn people on?

You be the judge as the first clip from the film has landed online. In the scene, you’ll see an innocent trip to the hardware store turn into a hot torrent of double entendres, but the biggest takeaway: Jamie Dornan is leaving much to be desired in the lead role. His acting isn’t so hot. But who cares, when the film reportedly has twenty minutes of sex scenes, equalling roughly one-fifth of the movie? Well, it means for the other four-fifths, you’ll have to endure wooden acting and even more wooden dialogue. 

"Fifty Shades Of Grey" arrives on February 13th. Watch the scene below and check out the Super Bowl spot right here

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  1. If any of you read the book, you\’d know that he\’s doing his part right. I think, in this scene, he is exactly who he\’s supposed to be. It\’s not "wooden acting" it\’s the character he\’s supposed to be.

  2. i personally think the scene was badd because she is a terrible actress complete wood,im sure he would have been much better if her was working with someone he had chemistry with but with that in your face its kinda hard, sorry but just my opinion.

  3. I don\’t think the acting is wooden, I think Dornan is trying hard to overcome his thick accent. If you read the books, that whole sequence is fraught with tension which is kept here in good order. I think this scene has that awkward indie feel to it which is a good thing. The problem is that the normally lovely Indiewire has chosen to hate and dog the film because they hate the books and are buddies with those who made Secretary (Which is not the same story, nor the same film whatsoever. Why people try to compare them is beyond me. I actually own Secretary on DVD and love the film. Awesome feature!) If you don\’t like reporting on Fifty Shades, then stop and move on to something else.

  4. Uh . . . Isn\’t he supposed to be like super sexy in every scene? Like sexy doesn\’t necessarily mean taking off his shirt, but more like, he needs to have an aura about him. He could have been more seductive, more looks, SOMETHING. I am not a fan, and am not looking forward to this, but their acting was pretty bad. There\’s no tension . . .

  5. What\’s he supposed to be doing in this scene? A backflip? Singing a song? He\’s only asking for stuff. How animated do you want him to be? He\’s playing Christian Grey exactly as the book states. I don\’t know what you want from the guy but when you following someone around the store and just answering a question with a 1 word answer, I have no idea how animated that\’s supposed to look. When I go into Lowes or Home Depot, the service rep asks if I need help and I tell them "light bulbs" "batteries" etc… How animated am I supposed to look? Jamie looks fine to me. Seems like someone\’s jealous of the handsome guy. Get over yourself.

  6. Oh God here we go with the classic "wooden acting" when it comes to these movies.

    Jamie Dornan isn\’t wooden in The Fall, he wasn\’t wooden in Once Upon a Time, but suddenly becomes wooden all because of the haters of this movie. Guess he\’ll be up for a Razzie.

    The only thing wooden re: this clip is your reporting about it.


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