Saturday, March 1, 2025

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Take A Look Michael Fassbender As Steve Jobs Selling NeXT Computers In This Poster

Michael Fassbender Steve Jobs NeXTWhile there have plenty of set photos flying around of Michael Fassbender playing Apple icon "Steve Jobs" in Danny Boyle‘s upcoming biopic, there hasn’t been much in the way of official photography just yet. And while this is sort of somewhere in the middle, it’ll have to suffice.

A reproduction of a vintage poster for the NeXT line of computers, featuring Fassy as the computer company’s honcho, has surfaced online. For those of you who have been following the film thus far, you’ll know that Aaron Sorkin‘s script centers around the product launches of the Mac, NeXT, and iPod in 1984, 1997, and 2001 respectively. The thing to keep in mind is that NeXT was actually the company that Steve Jobs started after he was ousted from Apple in the ’80s. It wasn’t a big hit, but elements such as its interface were influential on the industry.

"Steve Jobs" opens on October 9th. Check out the poster below. [via Sensacine]


A photo posted by @seannung on

Michael Fassbender NeXT Poster

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  1. Christian bale , leonardo decaprio and david fincher all had the good sense to bail out. Fassbender probably said yes without even reading the script cause he\'s an idiot. He doesn;t even look like jobs

    Gavin J

  2. I agree that 1) this is hard to image and 2) we do not need another Jobs biopic. But if anyone can pull it off, Michael Fassbender can. He\’s a incredible talent and I look forward to any of his work, even if other aspects of the project make me dubious.

  3. Jobs had a pretty amazing life im sure there are several stories to draw from it. So much so that a single bio pic isnt nearly enough, and this is danny boyale people and aaron sorkin to boot. This movie should be one of the only upcoming releases that shoudnt be in question at all. As far as fassbender goes, just because he doesnt look much like Jobs doesnt mean he wont hit it out of the park. stop being haters, have faith in this world class cast and crew.

  4. Okay, I admittedly know nothing about Steve Jobs other than he and Woz created Apple. I personally thought that Ashton Kutcher did a great job in Jobs. Why make another? Or was it not accurate?

  5. You would think that after the wizardry of "Dawn if the Planet of the Apes", they could just shellac Job\’s face on Fassbender\’s body and call it a day.

  6. I\’m not saying Steve Jobs didn\’t cement himself in International Culture, but why why why do we need another friggin Biopic about a guy who only recently died. You\’d think after the failure of Ashton Kutcher, Justin Long\’s attempts, the buck would stop there, but NO.
    Noah Wiley was the only one to do it right, which is why nobody cares.
    So now if Danny Boyle/Feassbender can\’t get it done, then expect probably 3-4 more in the next 3-5 years *Faceplant*

  7. Yeah, I\’m sorry, but that\’s just Fassy, not Steve Jobs. I\’m really tired of this trend of casting actors who don\’t even faintly resemble the real people they\’re supposed to be portraying. Not in this day and age. This movie has been doomed from the start, which is actually fitting, considering what a prick Jobs was.

  8. I hate to tell everyone this, but: Fassbender is not really Steve Jobs. He\’s actually an actor pretending to be him. That\’s what acting is — it\’s a thing where one person pretends to be another person but is not actually that person. They use their imagination to pretend, and you use your imagination, too. C\’mon folks. This isn\’t rocket surgery.

  9. Always going to like Fassbender but no. It just doesn\’t work. Would it have killed them to put some makeup and prosthetics to make him actually look like Jobs?

  10. There is no such thing as "Apple\’s NeXT line of computers". Steve Jobs was ousted from Apple computers. He then founded a new company called NeXT, Inc. The computer line Jobs developed there had nothing to do with Apple.

  11. Gee, a lot of people making judgments about a movie that isn\’t even finished yet based on one poster. Who cares if Fassbender doesn\’t look much like Jobs? The performance is all that matters.

  12. genuinely terrible casting, love me some fassbender, but this just doesn\’t make sense. bale would\’ve been great, but if you can\’t get him just bring back noah wyle

  13. Christian bale , leonardo decaprio and david fincher all had the good sense to bail out. Fassbender probably said yes without even reading the script cause he's an idiot. He doesn;t even look like jobs

    Gavin J


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