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Director Josh Trank Reportedly Fired From His ‘Star Wars’ Film For “Erratic” Behavior On The ‘Fantastic Four’ Set

Josh TrankWell, it’s not sounding too hot for “Fantastic Four” director Josh Trank at the moment. Last night the filmmaker announced that he was departing from the “Star Wars” anthology film — aka the stand-alone spin-off not directly connected to the events of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” — he was set to direct for a 2018 release. While the trades certainly pointed at rumored tensions between Trank and “Fantastic Four” producer Simon Kinberg (who is also producing Trank’s now-former ‘Star Wars’ film), THR pulled back the curtain on what they’re calling a “firing.”

Evidently, his non-communicative behavior on the set of “Fantastic Four” set rattled the producers and worried Kathleen Kennedy and the LucasFilm production. Working closely with Trank on one project, and about to embark on another, Kinberg was apparently very vocal to the LucasFilm team about his displeasure with Trank’s conduct, which sources tell THR were “erratic” and “very isolated.”

READ MORE: Josh Trank Exits The ‘Star Wars’ Stand-Alone Spin-Off

Rumors and whispers have persisted for months about trouble on the “Fantastic Four” set, where extensive reshoots were needed. While not outwardly stated, sources suggested the overwhelming pressure of a studio blockbuster made the 31-year-old filmmaker turn inward. "If you’ve got someone who can’t answer questions or who isn’t sure or is in hiding, that’s not good," a source told the trade.

Another insider suggested Trank has got the goods, but maybe isn’t emotionally ready for the stresses of filmmaking on this scale at the moment (“Fantastic Four” is only his second feature film). “No question there’s talent there. You can’t do ‘Chronicle‘ by accident,” said the anonymous insider, before adding that the young filmmaker is “like one of these kids who comes to the NBA with all the talent and none of the character-based skills to handle it. There’s equipment he doesn’t yet have.”

Allegedly indecisive and uncommunicative, producers Simon Kinberg and Hutch Parker had to reportedly step in to complete the film and during reshoots (THR stresses that, under DGA rules, Trank still directed all the reshoots). But it sounds like he was no longer calling the shots — an awkward position to be in for a filmmaker. Given all the issues, Fox also allegedly brought in editor Stephen Rivkin (“Avatar”) to help finish the film (Elliot Greenberg from “Chronicle” was the original editor on the project). For their part, Fox says they are happy with "Fantastic Four," but a spokesperson admitted, “there were definitely some bumps in the road.”

While Kim Masters‘ revealing report doesn’t state it outright, it does appear like 20th Century Fox and its producers have taken “Fantastic Four” away from the director. While clearly it would be another scandal and DGA issue if Trank was completely shut out of the project or locked out of the editing room — which does not appear to be the case — it does seem evident that he’s no longer fully in charge. It will be interesting to see what happens during the publicity tour and if Trank participates.

Trank first burst on the scene with the promising, sci-fi, super hero-ish project “Chronicle,” but before that he caught Hollywood’s attention with a homemade “Star Wars” found footage short that found immense popularity on YouTube (you can watch that here). “Fantastic Four” is still set for an August 7 release. A sequel is already scheduled for 2017, but we imagine the producers will be looking elsewhere for a helmer. LucasFilm is actively on the hunt now for a new director to take over the 2018 “Star Wars” anthology film, details of which have yet to be revealed. We imagine a lot of young, up-and-coming directors are going to be interested, though perhaps therein lies the problem: the studio want to hire passionate, young filmmakers who might not have all the right experience under their belt yet.

While none of this bodes well him at the moment, keep in mind these reports are all one-sided and Trank hasn’t had a chance to tell his story yet.

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  1. Plus, let\’s be honest. Weed doesn\’t make you anything that you aren\’t already to begin with. It was either a different drug or exaggerations.

  2. I\’ve heard all the same rumors from people who worked on the film, and yes – the reports are sugar coated. No one seems to be talking about the state Trank left his office in…

  3. this is indicative of a much bigger problem in hollywood: throwing big budgets at inexperienced and/or first time directors. they have absolutely no respect for the position. the logic seems to be if you have a popular property, a shitload of money and a top-notch visual effects team, the person behind the camera is more or less unimportant. in reality it leads to bland, indistinguishable franchise movies with no vision and no soul. unfortunately, this movie will still probably make it\’s money back despite the problems on set, so it seems unlikely hollywood\’s going to learn their learn their lesson and start trying to make better movies.

  4. I\’m confused: Simon Kinberg is the producer of FF, so Simon Kinberg is well aware of all of the (alleged) problems they\’ve been having with Josh Trank. So how did Josh Trank get hired in the first place for the Star Wars film if the producer of that film is… Simon Kinberg.

  5. He\’s a young director. Really young. I\’m not shocked at all. Imagine getting these kind of tent poles at such a young age and so early in your career. Too early. I imagine it can make anyone egotistical.

  6. Buddy\’s right.

    Matt, yeah, i hear you. i\’ve worked in the biz and haven\’t experienced this type of egregious behavior yet. divas, i\’ve dealt with – pissed off crossover talents who have a higher opinion of themselves than they should – but a director who acts this way, never. it is completely surprising and i guess a testament to the pressures of helming a potential tentpole franchise film.

  7. \’Allegedly indecisive and uncommunicative, producers Simon Kinberg and Hutch Parker had to reportedly step in to complete the film and during reshoots (THR stresses that, under DGA rules, Trank still directed all the reshoots).\’ Grammar nazi: this sentence indicates that the producers were uncommunicative and indecisive, not Trank as you probably intended.

  8. Faulkner. There are many divas behind the scenes, as well. I think we hear less about it because directors aren\’t as prolific, and cared about by the public, like actors are. Their meltdowns sell more tabloids. This sort of behavior is not shocking at all. Its only shocking because he\’s so new to the field and shouldn\’t be acting like this.

  9. Daring, you may have just changed my mind. maybe he is a bit immature and inexperienced. looks to be wayyy too inexperienced to helm a Star Wars film, in any case. funny how Gareth Edwards is similarly inexperienced but has been lauded for his work on Godzilla and has people excited for his Star Wars film. both directors have similar resume\’s yet one is acclaimed and the other lambasted.

  10. No one should be shocked. We\’ve seen this story a million times, although we typically associate these sorts of meltdown shenanigans with the talent in front of the camera. Trust me, there are plenty of "Lindsay Lohans" behind the scenes as well.

  11. too many cooks….& Sorry they should have taken way more Time & WAY WAY more quite…too much info for Fans to be happy-ish waiting for film to Premiere but it made Feel Rushed!!? it should have been whispered about then slowly inform us movie lovers, Please be on Whookie planet, the 6th grader really wanted to see Wookie Baby!! LOL! Now Stop Whining about
    fancy pant Hollywood directors who make more money than God! Super Natural Blessings Abound! (ps if any director needs Awesmoe movie ideas, please find me!) Jen, Tulsa OK "Always Leave Them thurston4more"

  12. I would agree with you Faulkner, if Chronicle weren\’t the only other movie to his credit.. and IF Chronicle\’s most famous Movie Poster wasn\’t of a guy flipping the bird with a cloud.

  13. Chase, David O. Russell, while acting the twat, delivered very bankable films and never alienated the money liasons, i.e., the producers. see, if Trank acted up on occassion, ok, i\’ll believe that. if he showed up high a few times, yeah, i\’d believe that, too. but then he also shut the producers out AND delivered a very bad 3rd act? it just seems like overkill. give me more proof all of this occurred and i\’ll believe, but these, for now, are just rumors.

    Mandie, i\’ve worked in Disney, indie, and Netflix productions. never has anyone acted up this way in my near decade of working on productions. if Trank is really this immature, i bet he\’ll find even more difficulty finding work, much less ever getting the nod to mast a tentpole film or a STar Wars flick.

  14. Faulkner, ever hear of David O. Russell? This kind of behavior is way more common than you think. I, for one, believe it. And more and more articles are pointing in that same direction. That it\’s true.

  15. I don\’t blame him. Big studio directing, especially as a first timer can be fatal for most up-and-comers. There\’s huge budgets and a lot on the line, and big studio producers keep a short leash. This happened to Fincher when he started out.

  16. Yes. What Faulkner says. Anyone can claim they have a friend who saw something on a set. Smells like bs to me. And I have a hard time believing that a relative newcomer, who had been given a big chance on a big movie, would f it up that much.

  17. i\’d be more prone to believe these rumors if they weren\’t such overkill and reek of character assasination. so Trank showed up to work high, didn\’t communicate with producers, didn\’t deliver a watchable product, AND treated everyone like shit? it just seems unbelievable.

  18. My friend worked on the set of FF. According to him, the rumors are true, if not sugar coated. He told me that Trank used to show up blunts a\’blazin\’ — completely on stoned which attributed to such reports of erratic behavior. He allegedly treated cast and crew like shit. And apparently, the editor thought the third act was so atrocious it was unwatchable. Hence the reshoots, hence the release date being pushed back, because the entire third act was retooled. According to him, Fox fired him, too. From Fantastic Four towards the end.

  19. yeah, there was obviously more to the story. no one walks away from directing a Star Wars film. seems Trank wasn\’t really ready for this type of filmmaking. harkens back to what RDJ said about inexperienced indie filmmakers a bit. if this behavior is real, Trank\’s immaturity seems to have trumped his talent.

  20. Plus, let\’s be honest. Weed doesn\’t make you anything that you aren\’t already to begin with. It was either a different drug or exaggerations.

  21. Plus, let’s be honest. Weed doesn’t make you anything that you aren’t already to begin with. It was either a different drug or exaggerations.


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