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“Dead Is Dead”: ‘Game Of Thrones’ Team Talk Season 5 Finale’s Shocking Character Death

Game Of Thrones**SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY** Last night, "Game Of Thrones" capped off its fifth season, and the show left fans with something to mourn and speculate about until season six: Jon Snow’s death. That’s right, the popular character played by Kit Harington was killed off in the finale, but is he really dead? The team behind the show have some answers.

“Dead is dead,” "Game Of Thrones" showrunner and writer Dan Weiss told EW. “We would hope that after seeing the scene and the way it’s shot that the answer to that will be unambiguous in the minds of the people watching it. It should be pretty clear what happens by the time you’re done seeing that scene. It’s not an, ‘Oh what just happened scene?’”  

And Harington makes it doubly clear that as far as he is concerned, his time is done. "Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have. They sat me down and said, ‘This is how it is.’ If anything in the future is not like that, then I don’t know about it–it’s only in David [Benioff] and Dan and George [R.R. Martin]’s heads. But I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really," the actor told the site.

Some fans might point to Martin’s recent comments, “If there’s one thing we know in ‘A Song of Ice and Fire‘ is that death is not necessarily permanent.” However, the show has started diverging from the books pretty significantly already and it looks like the future of "Game Of Thrones" is Jon Snow-less even if Harington signed up for seventh season last fall.

READ MORE: Recap: ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 10 Shows Little ‘Mother’s Mercy’ In Its Finale

Thoughts? Are you going to miss Jon Snow? Was it a big mistake? Let us know your theories below.

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  1. I\’m not talking about him being already signed later season. I\’m just saying he specifically said next season. And let\’s say that story was true. And the creators had this big event planned to bring him back in the last season or at the end of next season. Do you actually think the creators would be like oh yeah. We killed him but he\’s going to be back after next season. Or Kit saying no that story is totally true. I\’m not dead, I\’m coming back. hahaha. Come on. That\’s like J.J Abrams telling you an interview how they plan on ending the star wars trilogy. I\’m not saying he\’s definitely coming back. But just because he\’s not signed for later seasons doesn\’t mean they can\’t sign him for later seasons. They sign new actors for shows every year before they start shooting. What would make him so different if they decide or have already decided to resurrect him at the Prince that was Promised.

  2. In the same damn interview you\’re quoting Kit Harington from, he mentions the rumors about him signing for later seasons and specifically says that story was bullshit.

  3. I\’m not coming back "next season." Dead is dead. Yeah he died. They didn\’t say he couldn\’t come back from the dead. Like the Mountain just did or Beric in Season 2


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