It’s probably pretty well accepted that we’re skeptical of “X-Men: Days Of Future Past.” Will it be the “Terminator: Salvation” of the series? Yes, we’re happy that Bryan Singer is back (sorry about the box-office on “Jack The Giant Slayer,” dude), but not only is time travel a thorny bitch, it gets even more complicated (and admittedly ambitious) to mix characters from different eras of a franchise. ‘Days Of Future Past’ will mix members of the original “X-Men” cast – Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, etc. with members of the “X-Men: First Class” cast – James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, etc. Essentially, that’s the younger versions of Professor X and Magneto meeting up with the older versions in some wacky time travel scenario that feels like a recipe for disaster (continuity will be a bitch).
Two more members – one old, one new – have joined the cast. The latest is Omar Sy, the star of the French-language international hit, “The Intouchables.” Singer himself tweeted this afternoon that the actor had joined the cast, but no details on who he’ll play yet (presumably some kind of mutant; he looks like he could play a Morlock with that strangely lithe body). Sy will next be seen in Michel Gondry‘s “Mood Indigo.” While confirmed so far from the original cast are Wolverine (Jackman), Rogue (Paquin), Iceman (Ashmore) and Kitty Pryde (Page), many fans have asked about Halle Berry‘s Storm character. Singer’s said he’d liked to include the actress in the film, but it would be a matter of finding an organic way to introduce her into the storyline.
But asked recently about the gig, Berry sorta/kinda said she’d probably/maybe/almost certainly/though who knows might join the film. Ah, good ol’ probabilities. They will likely factor into the quality of coherence in ‘Days Of Future Past,’ which is due in theaters July 18, 2014. Oh, and extra credit for nerds. Jennifer Lawrence won’t be wearing painted-on Mystique skin in the movie. Instead, she’ll wear a fake latex skin costume or somesuch whatsit. Zomg. Update: Berry’s maybe/probably etc. has turned into a “yes.” See the interview below at the 4:15 mark. Update 2: Singer confirmed Berry’s confirmation (got that?). He tweeted today, “Couldn’t be more excited that #HalleBerry has joined the cast of #XMen #DaysofFuturePast. Hopefully she can improve the weather in Montreal.”
He could be playing Bishop, the time traveling mutant-hunting mutant from the future. Marvel! House of Ideas!
Hope that we will not see him in stereotyped cast that French used to give him.
So, Rogue is playing herself? …
This article is ridiculous. You're terrible.