Sunday, March 2, 2025

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New Look At Tintin & Snowy In ‘The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn’

Will 2011 be the year Steven Spielberg is no longer given a free pass from fans and critics? It would seem so. The early trailers for “The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn” were not widely embraced and we were surprised by the blowback the first spot for “War Horse” got. Well Spielberg still has some time to right the ship on both movies and we’re only at the beginning of the campaigns for both, but this new look at ‘Tintin’ won’t quiet the dissenters.

Animatie revealed the new pic of Tintin and Snowy, and for those bothered by the mo-cap animated look of the movie, this will just add more fuel to the fire. Starring Jamie Bell, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Toby Jones, Andy Serkis, Mackenzie Crook, Tony Curran, Daniel Mays, Sebastian Roche and Gad Elmaleh the film combines the stories found in “Le secret de la licorne” and “Le trésor de Rackham Le Rouge” and was adapted by Edgar Wright, Joe Cornish and Steve Moffat in what should be a rousing epic.

So will this be a dead-eye CGI miss or the international blockbuster studios are hoping for? Time will tell. The film hits Europe on October 26th, before getting a U.S. release on December 23rd — check out a bigger version of the pic below.

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  1. I need to simply know if Snowy talks…..I cant wait to see this, but will be SORELY disappointed if he cant……

    From what I can see in the trailer, he doesnt.

  2. You were SURPRISED by the blowback? SURPRISED that people on the internet said \”THAT SUCKED\” to a teaser for a sincere, ambitious film from a popular, successful, director whose previous movie was \”cool\” to hate? Surprised that people have convinced themselves that they know something about the so-called \”uncanny valley\” when in reality they\’re just searching for a reason to hate on a movie because negativity gets more attention on the internet than positivity?

    Seriously, when was the last time a teaser trailer got unanimous praise?

  3. \”So will this be a dead-eye CGI miss or the international blockbuster studios are hoping for? Time will tell. \”

    Or, I don\’t know you COULD use your eyes and look at the images that look amazing.

    People weren\’t complaining about CG movies from DreamWorks and Pixar, why should they complain about something that looks even better?

    I guess that for some poeple online, letting the brain tell is not an option.

  4. I think part of the problem lies in the fact that Tintin himself is a fairly plain looking character wih no real defining facial features and thus easily succumbs to all those \”uncanny valley\” related problems when you try to make him look realistic. Whereas what we\’ve seen from some of other characters I think looks a lot better.

  5. You have to remember the dissenters are people under the age of 20 who think Kurtzman and Orci are good writers. Both films look terrific, and with Steven Moffat involved at least we know we\’ll have an intelligent screenplay.


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