Sunday, March 2, 2025

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Drew Goddard Says Lionsgate Wants ‘Cabin In The Woods’ Sequel

nullDrew Goddard‘s "Cabin In The Woods" had a bumpy ride to the big screen. Delayed from release thanks to MGM‘s near bankruptcy a few years back, Lionsgate rescued the tongue-in-cheek horror movie and released into theaters, where it did solid, but not spectacular business. Everyone figured it would live on as a cult favorite and we’d never really hear anything about it again, but surprisingly, it seems the studio wants more.

READ MORE: Drew Goddard Reveals The 5 Films That Influenced ‘Cabin In The Woods’

Chatting with Den Of Geek, Goddard revealed that Lionsgate is keen on the notion of a followup. "…the studio wants to do it. They’ve come to us," he said.

The movie, which deconstructs the tropes of the cabin-in-the-woods thrillers, before going for a balls out, gonzo finale, by its very concept doesn’t seem like one that would organically conjure a sequel, though if the folks behind "Scream" could it, I suppose nothing is out of the question. And I assume that’s what Lionsgate is hoping for, to turn "Cabin In The Woods" into some kind of franchise. But for now, Goddard admits he doesn’t have any story ideas, but he doesn’t rule it out either.

"There’s nothing in the hopper right now, but who knows? The way [co-writer] Joss [Whedon] and I work, we might wake up tomorrow and go, ‘let’s go do that’, or whatever," he said.

So, chalk this up as a maybe/possibly thing that might happen down the line. But do you want to see "Cabin In The Woods 2"? Let us know below.

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  1. What if… NOW HEAR ME OUT… what if Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, and Shoggoth were vacationing in a dimensional realm, only to be trapped by plot holes and studio suits intent on making a sequel for a movie that needs none. LOVECRAFTCEPTION!

  2. Part 1 was a crazy, fun and imaginative ride. I say if they can do a sequel to Scream, why not this (I do hope with better results of other past examples)…..

  3. I dunno… I thought a sequel that focuses on the wrath brought down by the gods would be kind of awesome. The protagonists from the first are certainly dead, which leaves it open to develop new characters to go on fighting. Imagine watching the gods wreak havoc on the world with the addition of all the evil creatures we didn\’t see rip everyone to shreds while Joe Six-pack tries to save the world. OR! Maybe some sort of fight in the afterlife with the original characters. I mean, they kept zombies in a box and a unicorn murdered people with its horn. Is it too outlandish to think the characters from C in the W fight to save the world in the afterlife? Lots of possibilities. Either way, if it happens, I\’ll be stoked.

  4. From IMDB: Immediately after an early preview screening with fan Q&A, the first question Director Drew Goddard was asked was, "Will there be a sequel?" To which he responded, "Have you seen the ending to my movie?"

  5. Immediately after an early preview screening with fan Q&A, the first question Director Drew Goddard was asked was, "Will there be a sequel?" To which he responded, "Have you seen the ending to my movie?"

  6. Do it. Obviously not a sequel though. A prequel… show how it all came together in the first place. How humans reached that pact and how it was before or what have you.

  7. I say hell yeah! Do a sequel! Why not? Well actually, it\’d be a prequel cause the gods rose from the ground at the end of part 1. Not sure how you\’d continue from that but absolutely a prequel thats for sure! There\’s ton of stories that can be told from that stand point. Another group of people taking part in another experiment. Its possible! I loved Cabin In The Woods and what it did for the horror/thriller genre.

  8. It does not have to be a traditional sequel. There are plenty aspects of the story (without spoiling anything) "on the other side of the certain", so to speak, that could be the focus of another film.

    And I agree with D.J. There is nothing more annoying on the face of the earth than some random Internet poster exclaiming "you can\’t make a sequel because I hated the first movie!" Unless you are actually a very high ranking movie executive, Debra, your single feeling alone is not going to stop any
    movie from being made.

  9. I liked the first, but it cannot continue.
    And Debra, just because YOU didn\’t like it doesn\’t mean that others wouldn\’t want a sequel, so PLEASE stop with the "absolutety not, because *I* didn\’t like it". Every movie is not made with you in mind.

  10. Absolutely not. Sequels and remakes are largely for the benefits of those who invest in a story and want to see more of what happens next. This wasn\’t interesting enough to make me want the story to continue.


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