Well, we've already seen Zooey Deschanel, Samuel L. Jackson and John Malkovich use iPhone's Siri to help with a rainy day, cook a meal and investigate the meaning of life, and now, another famous face will find some help from a disembodied voice.
"Hey, we've got the director of 'Taxi Driver' for this ad, what's the concept?"
"Let's put him in a taxi!"
[high fives all around]
We imagine that's how the brainstorming meeting for this one went. It's not exactly the most invigorating ad in the world, and you would think that New York City mainstay Martin Scorsese wouldn't need the help of an iPhone to get through city traffic, but what do we know. But it does help move around his schedule so he can do ads like this. Apple's move into more heavy handed celeb-vertising seems like something the tech company doesn't really need to do, but we guess it can't hurt. Anyway, watch below. [The Inspiration Room]