Saturday, October 26, 2024

Got a Tip?

You Know How We Know ‘Twilight Sucks’ And Why Stephanie Meyer Has Bad Taste?

Ok, we know, “Twilight,”the cheesy teen-goth novel isn’t for us. It’s for emo-tweens that cut themselves in their spare time, etc., but a tiny bit little insight into the taste/aesthetics and artistic choices soccer mom Stephanie Meyers and probably just another significant reason why we’ll never read the books or watch the movies? Her mid-west taste in music. For one, she wants that generic and bland radio-ready underwear-stain of a band Blue October to soundtrack most if not all of her “Twilight” film. Honestly, we try not to judge people on their musical taste, not everyone’s in the know and if we did this blog would be pointless we’d hate everything (cue peanut gallery), but this band is horrendous and not worth the paper they scribble their ridiculous lyrics onto.

Meyers apparently wrote her “Breaking Dawn,” ‘Twilight’ finale novel to Blue October’s music and when she went on a book tour, she decided to invite October’s Justin Furstenfeld, he himself already looking a little mall-goth. It would make sense if they’re involved in the soundtrack in some capacity, and Fustenfeld told MTV months ago he hopes to make that a reality.

“There’s a song called ‘Jump Rope’ that I’m really excited about,” he revealed of one tune. “I basically wrote it for my little girl, Blue.” [ed. whoever that is].

Now we want to know, “Twilight” fans are surely already aware of this connection. A quick Google search finds kids making their own Twilight soundtrack compilations and of course Blue October songs are included. Meyers has even made her own soundtrack that includes Dido, David Gray, Radiohead, The Cranberries and Collective Soul! (that’s a winning combination). But with fans going apeshit for this book and movie adaptation, will sales eventually effect Blue October? Or will it take the movie’s release, a soundtrack and or a trailer – ala “Pineapple Express” and M.I.A. – for a tangible unit-shifting phenomenon to occur? You wait with bated breath we’re sure.

To be completely fair to the “Twilight” producers and moviemakers – who may have already illustrated they have taste by hiring the Coen Brothers’ musical collaborator Carter Burwell to compose the score, the impressive Catherine Hardwicke (“Thirteen”) to direct and the excellent Kristen Stewart to star – maybe their is slight hope for the filmmakers to elevate the idea beyond purely teen pulp melodrama.

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  1. I just finished reading the books…They weren’t 100% horrible but they weren’t really good either. I’m no writer…….but seriously she is pretty fucking awful. There were so many mistakes in each book. Doesn’t she have an editor?!??? Not to mention…….MUSE is pretty much the worst band ever. UGH. I thought that I was the only one hating on the series…

  2. I just read your blog…sorry to say, but I’ve read the books and I’m 25 years old and I think they are great. I know alot of people who aren’t “goth teens” who have read them and think they are really good. Maybe you just don’t have an imagination???….. Regardless of her taste of music, the books were really good. And if you are going to slam her books just because of the soundtrack to the movie, then you are the one missing out. And as far as the other comment goes… who cares if there’s mistakes? It’s a freaking book! Do you think you could get that many words exactly right? Didn’t think so. Maybe you should just shut up and enjoy the book. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it. Period.

  3. To Anonymous, you can’t know if you like/don’t like a book until you’ve read them. I did read them and I regret it. I hated the books, but my friends kept pestering me about reading them since they were oh so “good.” They are not, period! I’m seriously planning on taking them to my creative writing class so we can tear them apart. All of my classmates hate Meyer’s horrible writing style, especially the graduate student TA.

  4. Agreeing here with Adrianna. I found so many English errors in Twilight. Some examples (and for anyone who opposes this, I could find page numbers) were words such as “handsomer” (not a real word, for those out there) and sentences such as “the stipulation of the phoneline.” Quite frankly, I postulate that Meyer has simply clicked on Microsoft word Theasaurus when writing her books, to make them sound more…intelligent? If that was her purpose, obviously it has failed, ad her misuse of the English language provides huge critiscm of her ability to write. On our blog we are currently discussing the same thing, an article that will be lengthed, so if interested, please look and email us at [email protected]

  5. I have to disagree with Anonymous. Whoever that may be. What is it supposed to mean when you say, “It’s a freaking book!” in relation to spelling and grammatical errors? Am I mistaken in thinking that books, before they are published, should be properly edited so as not to include such errors? I myself am used to reading, you know, actual English throughout entire books! Crazy, isn’t it?

    Needless to say – because it’s all been said – Twilight disappointed me. I thought, I’ll take a chance with the fandom. I read the entire series, shrugged, and walked away. Forever. J.K. Rowling shivers every time somebody compares her to Meyer.

  6. Phonograffiti, I have to say I completely agree with you. Stephanie Meyer definitely lacks in the writing skills department. There were so many errors, I had to stop myself from getting a pencil and writing in the corrections myself. I don’t think she could afford an editor. I am honeslty surprised that she has sold so many books. I am guilty of buying all four books of the “Twilight” series. I did that after I had seen the movie. Thinking the books would be way better than the movie. Boy, was I wrong! I am completely shocked at how much better the movie was than the book. All I know is Stepahine Meyer is a crappy writer and I just hope the next three movies don’t suck as bad as her books do.


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