Thursday, February 27, 2025

Got a Tip?

‘Dark Knight’: Final Scene Between Heath Ledger’s Joker And Bale’s Batman

Cause it’s up, cause we can, and because we all want to see Heath Ledger lick his lips one more time. Talk about drinking game when “The Dark Knight,” finally make it to home video. Expect YouTube clips that edit all those lip-licking scenes together and a blog post from someone (maybe us if we’re feeling keen enough) that actually counts how many times Ledger does this little facial tic in the movie.

We admittedly scoffed when everyone said Ledger was going to get an Oscar nomination as we generally scoff when people make way-early predictions in the middle of the year (or when they actually haven’t even seen the movie! god…), but as we move closer to the end of the year and realize the pickings might be slim, we’re almost convinced now that Ledger will earn a nomination. An Oscar win though? We’re still very much on the fence about that one.

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  1. Man, The Dark Knight is so much better than Batman Begins. Still don’t like Bale’s growl though.

    I can’t help but notice the similarities between the new Batman franchise and Burton’s ’89 version. Batman Begins had the baddies (complete with gas masks, though not purple and green) trying to poison the city with gas much like the first one. And now, The Dark Knight, has the climatic Batman versus the Joker fight on top of a tall building, culminating in the Joker ALMOST falling off this time. I would’ve thought in the grand scheme of “you can do anything in the world you can think up,” the makers of these films would’ve had a little more imagination, and created something totally unrelated. As you may be able to tell, I still love the ’89 Batman, and find Nicholson’s Joker to be better and scarier.


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